White Vinegar for Mold

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MCG (Oregon) on 05/25/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I am an intuitive researcher. For mold poisoning symptoms:

Try this, take a small amount (tsp or so) white vinegar (not apple) and swirl in a pure copper cup for one minute just before bed, then 5 min later take a spoonful of yogurt (I like Triple Zero by Oikos brand with no sugar) or have a cup of roasted dandelion tea etc. to soothe your esophagus.

If no copper cup is available to you, you can use a piece of washed copper pure wire and stir the vinegar in a glass.

By only stirring for one minute, I find the toxicity to be near zero. In the mornings, I take natural Bob's Red Mill baking soda (not arm and hammer) between 1/4-1/2 tsp in a large glass of water to help balance out any excess acidity.

I have found this to be an amazing remedy. Not a cure all, many supporting therapies are still needed. You'll have to play around with this and cycle on off as needed. Anything can be overdone.