Vitamin D for Mite Infestation

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Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/17/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Vitamin D drops with Sunflower Seed Oil is the cure for Mites!

For the first time in months, I woke up not itching. I did everything—the baths, the Kleen Green, the vacuuming, the laundry, aloe Vera, creams, etc. I even tried the wash with soap and warm water, peroxide, anti itch cream and whitening toothpaste method. I slept that night, but woke up itching like CRAZY! I watched parakeet bird mite video yesterday and a commenter said to put a paper towel with sunflower oil at the bottom of the bird cage and the mites just fall off. I thought, I am allergic to sunflower oil, but do I have any here? I was willing to try ANYTHING at this point. I had a bottle is S_____ Vitamin D drops with sunflower oil and orange flavor which I had been meaning to take back to Natural Grocers.

I opened it last night and took 20,000 IUs of it. I also dabbed some in my spots near my elbow creases to see if any parasites came out. Nope. (My throat was itching a little so I took some Benadryl.) But I almost slept until 10 with no itching! That was a good thing!

The other thing I did differently yesterday was I had pancakes instead of eggs. The mites are after birds, not humans. I was essentially feeding them chickens. No more eggs for a while! The biopsy came back as eczema, and eggs are on the offending food list as well. I am so happy! I just hope more of these bird mites don’t hatch! I will keep drinking my C C tea with whole cloves and honey. Cloves stop the hatching of their eggs.