Garlic Tea for Mite Infestation

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Michelle (Brighton ) on 01/04/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have struggled with a severe infestation for 9 months now and have tried most remedies here with varying success but never been cured. I thought about garlic a while ago but saw reports by some people saying tablets were not making much of a difference. Then I came across a separate article by Dr Edward Group recommending fresh garlic tea for enhanced immunity and I thought I would have a go.

Method: slice 1 large or 2 smaller cloves thinly to expose as much surface area of garlic as possible. Put in a cup and cover with boiling water for 10 minutes. It is important to put a saucer or cover over the cup to prevent garlic oils from evaporating.

After one cup I felt a gazillion mites exploding under my skin, like tiny fireworks going off for a good 15 minutes. Day 2 I had 3 cups throughout the day. Not a single crawl felt again. I am continuing for a while as my cats have the mites and apparently garlic is toxic to cats - so until they are are cured I'm drinking the tea.

I am so happy!!!!! So easy and cheap - I can't believe how hard we struggle and yet the cure is so simple. I would also recommend spraying bed linen, carpets and shoes with salt water to kill ones in the environment. I also put salt in my shower puff and rinse my hair in salt water. It has been effective but the garlic tea has been the real mite exterminator!! It makes sense that the only effective cure is going to be from the inside. Please try this - you will be so glad that you did!! Xx