Essential Oils, Turmeric for Mite Infestation

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May (Australia) on 06/14/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with a mite infestation for 3 months, which was seemingly was contracted from bales of sugar cane mulch I had used.

The Dr. gave me a cream to apply all over my body - to which I had an allergic reaction. I ended up on Steroid tablets to reduce the itch & inflammation as well as anti-histamine tablets.

None of these eradicated the mites.

I decided to take a bath to which I added Himalayan Salt & about 9 drops of tea tree essential oil - & stayed in the bath for 1 hr. It made sense the mites would not like salt. If you live near the ocean - go and bathe in natures salt water.

I mixed an oil application which gave me immediate relief as well as reduced the skin irritation & redness.

50 ml of Neem Oil; 50 ml of Coconut oil, 1/2 teaspoon of Turmeric powder; 50 drops of Tea tree essential oil

I applied this all over my body twice yesterday - and after only 2 applications huge improvement. Neem oil has an unusual smell, however, who cares if it eradicates the mites.

Hope this helps someone out there.