Cayenne for Mite Infestation

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Rebel (Usa) on 08/21/2013
5 out of 5 stars

On August 15, 2013, I replied about mites. Search on here in the search box for Rebel and look for that date. I told about Cayenne Pepper and so scalp therapy oils for these things. Cayenne Pepper 30, 000 HU. Start slow 1/8 teaspoon once a day in maybe V-8 juice and work your way up from there. Lots black specks from my skin, became very very few after about a month of Cayenne. Rebel

Sally (Oregon) on 08/16/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Cayenne really helps, I drink it every day in a soy/black tea mixture. I also add EmergenC and some tumeric. I drink it on ice, it tastes good. Also, I use a liquid band aid over the mite burrows which stops the hatched mites from escaping. It takes a few days of keeping the spots sealed but they will eventually die and heal up.
REPLY   3      

Philip (Toronto, Ontario) on 05/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Guys, I suffered from an internal mite infestation for a long time and have it under control now using Cayenne Pepper... It is the only thing that has worked for me. I make a tea with it, add honey and ACV. I have gotten my life back after a nightmare 9 months.

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