Borax And Hydrogen Peroxide for Mite Infestation

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Paul (Illinois) on 09/11/2022
5 out of 5 stars

What I use to get rid of skin mites on my face and entire body

I take a bath with one to 2 large glasses of food grade hydrogen peroxide and a big sprinkling of Borax. I mix it up a little then soak it in it for 45 minutes. It works better than anything else. It helps rid your entire body of mites! Make sure to soak you hair and face during the bath but keep your eyes closed. Its so powerful you may want to do it every other day or twice a week. In between baths I sometimes use ZZ sulphur rosacea cream from Chia on my face.

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Vicki (Missouri) on 10/03/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I am thinking there might be some confusion to what everyone is dealing with here because I learned these were called scabies, but everyone here is calling them mites. I found the cheapest and fastest method of killing them after many trials and errors. First of all, if you have never had anything like this you will think bedbugs. You only get bitten at night, and the itching is so intense you get very little sleep. You can tell no one, bedbugs can be extremely hard to find, and you will feel really hopeless when you read online that even repeated visits by a professional exterminator, costing thousands of dollars most likely will not get rid of them. I looked along seams in mattress constantly but nothing. Finally I built 3 Co2 traps (youtube) and got nothing.

Then read finally that it could be scabies and one did not have to sleep with someone to get them, couldn't be seen without a microscope, doctors never believe you have them unless you have bites in webs of fingers and toes, the prescription costs $100, you have to go back in 7 days and get another one for the eggs that have hatched under your skin, and sometimes the doctor will prescribe a pill of Ivermectin to be taken at the same time which poisons them and makes them head for the surface.

So first you should determine what you have and the best way to do that is a hot bath with 3 Cups of Borax and 2 Cups of Hydrogen Peroxide. After I put my hand in to swish Borax crystals and dissolve them, my arm was covered in tiny black dots the size of a pinhead - Scabies.

You take this bath every day, for 1/2 hour, and make sure to scoot down 2 or 3 times so all of you gets soaked. This is supposed to kill them. You can also put this mixture in a spray bottle diluted with water and spray everything. Launder bedding every day along with clothes making sure to dry at high heat 30 minutes. Before you begin trying to eradicate them, you absolutely have to control the itching.

I tried Cortisone cream, Gold Bond Cream, Alcohol, Tea Tree Oil, Witch Hazel, ACV, and Benadryl which did nothing.

What did finally work was Chlortabs 4mg by Equate and Calaclear Lotion from Walmart. The Calaclear is the same as Caladryl or Calamine and works because it forms a skin on top of the bites. Every time you scratch you will spread them, but you will scratch I promise so putting Tea Tree Oil under your fingernails will minimize spreading and help to stop infection. I have cats and couldn't find for sure on the net if they could get them or give them to you so I used diluted Hartz Cat Flea Shampoo on them.

After 5 days of the Borax baths I still had them and had never seen the amount of that first bath where there were 15 on just one arm. I had read the flea shampoo would get rid of them on me, along with all of the aforementioned things I tried for the itching too. I realized those things might kill the ones crawling on top of my skin but they were not going to kill all of the ones embedded under my skin. After that first bath, I saw only 2 or 3 black dots and I had bites all over except for my face and my hoohah area. Back to the drawing board.

I bought Permetherin 10% Livestock and Premise Pesticide by Gordans from Tractor Supply. It comes in a large size that's around $18 and a small size for $8. I believe the small sufficient for one person with repeated uses, including diluted spray for the house. I also bought Ivermectin Paste 1.87% by durvet, apple flavored for horses which was $3. You mix the Permethrin with same amount of any thick body lotion so then it's 5% which makes it the same as the $100 prescription from a doctor. The Ivermectin is the same thing as the pill except you get multiple doses and drool, drool, your's is apple flavored! Take a bath in the Borax and Peroxide, cover yourself in the lotion, (I used a 30ml bottle filled halfway with pesticide, topped with any body lotion and shaken) - size of a travel shampoo, and eat the correct amount of Ivermectin. It is in a plunger device with 50lb demarcations on it up to 2500lbs. I weigh near 160 so I set it between 150 and 200 then squeezed it onto a spoon. It's okay if it's not exact and there is a youtube video on the plunger if you need it. Try to use the thickest body lotion you have because the pesticide is runny like water, but will work fine anyway because it does rub in. Do not forget between fingers and toes along with soles of feet and hair.


Leave on for 12 to 14 hours. I have very sensitive skin and bites were so bad some places were like a rash but this did not burn or sting or smell bad. I have dyed red hair and did not affect it. It does dry on you fairly quickly and I firmly believe you must use the oral paste also to work from the inside out. I had read not to wait 7 days before the second dose because the initial dose does not kill the eggs they have laid inside you. You have to catch them after they have hatched and grown up but before they do the hookie pokie and make more eggs. I read everywhere that this occurred in 3 days so I did the whole business again in 3 days. But this was wrong as they managed to mature earlier (probably thanks to Monsanto) than 3 days so I had to do routine again in 2 days. After the very first dousing you will finally get some real relief. These only live for 3 days without a meal (you), which is so incredibly much better than bedbugs which live for over a year with no meal and crawl into outlets and cracks you cannot even see.

You can spray your bedding with alcohol repeatedly while to make sure there are none before sleeping. You can spray furniture and floors with the Permethrin in a 1:10 ratio with water BUT it is poisonous to pets when wet and supposedly fine after it dries. I did not spray floors because of my cats and because I read you can spray this diluted onto your camping or hiking clothes, let them dry, and no insects period will bite you, not even after clothes have been through washer and dryer 3 times. I also read you do not want to take the Ivermectin paste less than 2 days apart.

Keep taking the Borax with Peroxide baths because I found that they greatly sped up the healing process of my skin. It didn't dry my skin out either which is pretty outstanding. It supposedly takes up to 6 months for the red bumps, bites, rashes, and itching to stop because there are dead eggs, mites, and poop which your body has to expel.

A very important thing I learned which I read nowhere, is that red bumps will appear in new spots and of different sizes just like the bites except there won't be that little hole where they burrowed under your skin. I freaked because I thought they were back until I looked really close and figured out your body doesn't seem to expel the morgue contents in the same spots the morgue did business. And they will itch but it won't be nearly as bad. I read mites and bedbugs are now super bugs and immune to many things that used to work, and they are in epidemic numbers.

One last thing I just realized before I decided to write this after reading other's horror stories, is that I could not figure out how I got these. I went nowhere except grocery shopping and my cats are indoors only, but there's a bird nest outside at the corner of house close to my bedroom. Robins come every year and use the same nest. I'm afraid they will have to rebuild elsewhere. I tried a lot remedies and tried holistic, but a couple of posts said this was the only way to kill them and quickly too. I believe they were right.

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Jacks (Bradenton) on 08/14/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Peroxide and borax mix WORKS!!!!! Follow up with Selsun blue and Apple Cider Vinegar plus baking soda... Black hole crusts will fall off... This is heaven after three years of hell.
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Cali Girl (Sacramento ) on 03/10/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I had mites for almost two years. At first I had no idea why I was itchy tickley. I found this website and it was clear what was wrong.

I tried the borax under water with a snorkel etc., the mustard scrub in my soaps and swabbing with alcohol and tea tree oil, all gave some relief but did not get rid of the mites.

In June of last year at the coersion of my family I stopped taking HRT (mainly for hourly hot flashes) and started a couple of other things. I started taking Boron pills once in the morning and once before bed. I also took a sauna at the gym for 20 minutes 4 times a week. After about a month the tickles were gone, not in my nose, eyes, eyebrows or scalp.

I occasionally get itches on my head but nowhere else. I am not sure which one of these things got rid of them because it happened all at once.

I hope this helps, don't give up hope.

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Piper (Toronto, On) on 09/13/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I made Ted's recipe for demodex treatment. 1/3 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2/3 cup of water, 2tbsp borax. I apply with a cotton ball and rinse. It is the best face wash I have ever tried. My face feels soft and smooth after using.
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Trish (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 04/29/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks so much - this info is working for me!
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Jane (Kanata, Ontario, Canada) on 04/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

In response to:

Posted by Camron (Elizabethtown, Ky) on 03/04/2009
0 out of 5 stars
I used ACV to try and cure candida, i'm not really sure if i have a candida problem but after taking any amount, even 1 teaspoon in water, my face will turn red and feel warm. Mainly my cheeks. Is this a reaction between candida and the ACV?

It's not Candida, it's probably the Human Demodex:

It sounds like you have a mild case of rosacea. Try Ted's recipe of 50/50 of Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide to kill the human demodex mites. We all have these mites but those who naturally have oilier skin seem to be an ideal host for this parasite.

I have used the following routine which cleared up rosacea in less than a week. My face was full of blackheads, whiteheads, puspules, after I had a stressful minor accident or around PMS. My face felt like I had a sunburn with minor itching, especially on my cheeks. I've always had flare ups on my T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) but noticed blackheads spreading on my cheeks. Benzoyl Peroxide did not help - it caused more flaky skin - dry and oily skin at the same time. Also, my eyes felt like there was always something in it - like a eyelash or grit. One eye was puffy especially in the morning.

My doctor prescribed Topical Metronidazole and to wash with a mild beauty bar soap. Also to wear sunscreen daily.

Day 1: Evening at Bedtime: Topical Metronidazole (0.75%) all over the face including eyebrows and eye lashes, and eye lids. Effect: Felt tingling for less than 5 minutes then nothing. Slept a very deep and restful sleep.

Morning Day 2: Red flushing of cheeks gone. Washed face with mild beauty bar, as directed by my doctor. Skin felt and looked better than the day before. Applied Topical Metronidazole all over. Applied a light mineral powder for makeup coverage.

Evening Day 2: By dinnertime, face was quite an unpleasant greasy feeling but the redness was subsiding but new pimples appeared but looked like they were healing except for one. According to the lifecycle of the human demodex mite, this was normal - the immune system is trying to fight the mite as the mite is dying off in large quantities. That evening, washed face just with the beauty bar twice in a couple of hours. Then applied the Topical Metronidazole at bedtime. No tingling on cheeks but, boy, the eyebrows, eyelashes, and eye lids felt like things were hopping! Washed face again with beauty bar and reapplied Topical Metronidazole with minor tingling (less than before so it was washed off).

Morning Day 3: Washed face with beauty bar. Applied Topical Metronidazole. Found Ted's recommendation of 50/50 borax and hydrogen peroxide. Washed face with this mixture - cupped hand with the borax and poured H2O2 on it and scrubbed face. Let stand for about 5-10 minutes. Wow! My face felt quite clean and refreshed. Small red dots are disappearing. Large pores are shrinking. Oil on pores appears more normal. Minimized blackheads (extracted some)

Evening Day 3: Washed face with Ted's 50/50 Borax & H2O2. Then followed by the moisturizing beauty bar restoring pH level. Applied Topical Metronidazole at bedtime, again, very active around the eyebrows, eyelids, and eyelashes. Do not put directly in the eye - just a light film all over the eye area -

Morning Day 4: Had a warm, soak bath with water and 1/2cup borax, 1/2cup H2O2. Bathed and soaked head too. Washed hair with Sensitve Skin Shampoo (containing sulphur - must be active ingredient). Rinsed. Skin is very soft and subtle.

Now the routine is this:

Morning - Wash with 50/50 Borax & H2O2 then follow with the beauty bar soap. Apply sunscreen & light coverup makeup, if required. Wear a hat on sunny days.

Evening - Wash with 50/50 Borax & H2O2 then follow with the beauty bar soap. Apply Topical Metronidazole at bedtime.

Weekly - Bathe in borax & H202 in tub.

Diet - I didn't change diet. It's a high fiber diet following the Canada's Food Guide. One cup of coffee, water, green tea and occassionally a carbonated mineral water. Occasional glass of red wine or one beer - no more than that at mealtime. Everyday multivitamin. Looking into Apple Cider Vinegar to improve digestion and pH balance.

Exercise - at minimum 30 minutes daily.

Laundry - wash loads with Borax and laundry soap with 1/2 cup of vinegar scented with lavendar oil as the fabric softener. Wash bed linens once or twice weekly. Change pillowcase daily. Change facecloth daily and body towel every other day.

I've found that Ted's Solution expediated the process with amazing results along side with what my doctor prescribed me.

Also, my home, & car environment:

1) I've always used Borax in my laundry routine, mostly for the whites & underwear load. Will definitely use it for all loads especially bed linens, towels, etc.

2) Washing the bathroom with borax with great results compared to filmy, cholrine-based products (nicer on your hands, for the sensitive skin type!)

3) Why stop at the bathroom, the kitchen looks and feels fantastic!

4) Trying dusting with a microcloth with diluted borax and water I use 15mL borax+1L water. Vacuum often (at least 1-3 times a week).

5) No residue on hardwood floors.

6) Borax and hot water in spray bottle - lightly spraying the mattresses, leather sofa, carpets,etc. Test small inconspicuous area first.

7) Borax is a great cleaning agent for the car interior.

8) Change the furnace air filter monthly. Use a mattress cover on every bed.

9) Get rid of clutter - collects too much dust, especially where you sleep - don't forget the kids rooms too. Put things in labelled boxes and get them out when you want to use them. Otherwise, give away. Speeds up the cleaning routine and is motivating!

10) Last, but most importantly, wash the telephone, computer, light switches, etc. where we share each other's space.

I feel like I have more energy. The general malaise is disappearing (even though I was trying to take care of myself and family with good food & exercise. Everyone else was benefiting except for me). Since I'm getting my sleep, I noticed a decrease in stress (or my ability to cope). Less stress is less havoc on my digestive system. General well-being is improving.

Keep up with this routine as the Human Demodex mite life cycle lasts quite awhile until you feel it's in check. The Human Demodex mite is passed on and is normal (just like dust mites) so please don't obsess, just be informed that this microns have a lifecycle and we just have to keep things in check. The website, ____ was helpful in viewing photos of the gradual process that some people may experience as well as the life cycle of the human demodex mite.


Topical Metronidazole (Prescription 60mg for $36 CDN)
Beauty Bar - less than $2 each, package sizes vary
Borax $4-5 a box (grocery or pharmacy store)
Hydrogen Peroxide $1 at dollar store or pharmacy
Sensitive Skin Bubble Bath & Shampoo, $1 at dollar store

Wow - for around $50 and some cleaning muscle, this acne and rosacea causing mite called the human demodex can be controlled and minimized to minimize outbreaks. Thank you Ted for posting the 50/50 Borax/Hydrogen Peroxide Solution!

I wish it works well for you! Good Luck!

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Teresa (Sumner, WA) on 12/30/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Re: dermodetic mites on face. BORAX and PEROXIDE. Thank you Ted for your wonderful postings. You are truly the answer to peoples' prayers. I have been to many doctors and was told that what I had was acne and folliculitus. I read your cures and decided to try it since nothing the doctors gave me (antibiotics, steroid creams and even Accutane) have helped. I thought it couldn't be that simple but it was. So to all the skeptics give it a try (borax and peroxide) You are truly an honest man and compassionate. Thank you
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