Multiple Remedies for Migraines

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Griselda (Gandia, Spain) on 09/15/2009
4 out of 5 stars

Keeping migraines at bay: The following protocol works for me

Lots of raw vegetable salads, minimum daily- 1 big lettuce salad(with other raw veg as well) and 1 small or big one with or without lettuce.

Whenever I eat anything cooked (except bread or potatoes) I take lots of natural vegetarian enzymes 4 x what is indicated on the bottle and 6 tabs of a formula that aids the organs of elimination to function. And if a slight feeling of migraine starts I repeat all that.

Everynight and morning I do the Do-in exercise to cure rhinitis, empyema and pollen allergies(one exercise for all those)

I take magnesium and also feverfew

But if a migraine is about to start or has just started, juice of at least 4(or more) freshly squeezed grapefruits (or eating a lettuce) and doing EFT works wonders you can find out what EFT is on the internet.

The cidervinegar at first lessened my migraines but then suddenly completely stopped working and made them worse

After 10 years I hope/believe that the above is the answer