Mind Over Migraine Remedy for Migraines

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Susan (Upstate Ny) on 05/13/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Mind over migraine remedy.

I woke up with a headache yesterday which progressed to a migraine, perhaps my worst one ever. I tried the ice pack at the base of the neck remedy for migraines but it was very uncomfortable when you have axe splitting pain in your brain. The last thing my body wanted was an ice pack on my neck. Better on the forehead but only for 20 seconds at the most. Maybe I'm wrong, but there isn't much you can do about a migraine when you get to the point of such severe nausea that your body gags every time you move your head. This went on for several hours. I ended up sucking on an ice cube and then lying in bed half propped up with a pillow over my eyes and forcing my brain to go into quiet mode. Every time a wave of pain seared through my brain as I lay there, I forced myself to go empty. I fell into a half sleep and continued to stay quiet in my head every time the pain cycle hit. I didn't allow myself to get up until the pain had all but passed. The pain was gone after 2 hours. When I could eat and drink I took a potassium and a magnesium supplement and that definitely helped.

Maybe it was just a matter of time anyway, but next time I will try quieting my mind as soon as I have migraine symptoms and see if I can get it to pass more quickly.