Iodine for Melanoma

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Tim (Cincinnati, Oh) on 10/19/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have had great success with using iodine to remove melanoma. I have had 2 separate brown and irregularly shaped growths on my body that where getting bigger over the years which I removed with Lugol's 5% iodine solution. The 2% solution requires more applications, so for lazy people like me I recommend the 5% solution. I would apply it at least once per day and twice if I could remember. I took a nail file and lightly exfoliated the area to remove any dead skin cells that might have blocked the absorption of the iodine before I applied it. It took about 6 to 10 weeks to have them scab up and fall off. They were itchy soon after I applied the iodine but in about 15-20 minutes it stopped being itchy. This is one of the best remedies that I found on this site and I highly recommend it.
REPLY   11      

Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa ) on 04/19/2012
5 out of 5 stars

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , Recently read of Dr Simoncini's iodine cure for skin cancer and found a forum in which 6 of 7 people had cured their problem with 5 % Lugol's Iodine. They took this route after their Dermotologist had made a mess of things. Normally, I go to my Dermotologist once a year and have my skin problems frozen with CO2. I have taken some off via ACV as others do on this site. This time I am taking a growth off with the Iodine. I think this may be a better method than the ACV. The forum folks say their growths did not come back. We'll see.
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Sue (La, Ca) on 08/06/2010
5 out of 5 stars

For well over a year I have had a slowly enlarging growth on my face that began with tiny discoloration under my skin. After it broke the surface I began trying every one of a number of creams that have worked on rashes, etc. , in the past, such as vaseline, cortesone, Neosporin, and even the strong Desoximetasone Cream. The growth increased in size - about like a fingernail - and became red and rough. After reading about Iodine on this site, I researched and ordered Lugol's. Two weeks ago I took it internally for four days as they direct and also began applying it to the area every night. It stung at first and seemed slightly irritated, but after a week I suspected improvement and it no longer stung. Last night it felt tight so I barely scraped at the edge of the thin scab and it fell off. Today the redness is gone and a little residue is visible only because I know where to look. With a magnifying mirror I observed a little star patterned mark, which may mean something to a dermatologist. This is just terrific.
REPLY   7      

Coregon (Medford, Oregon ) on 06/26/2009
5 out of 5 stars

If you're using iodine for topical use and don't want the orange stain..remember you can buy decolorized (clear) iodine. Leaves no evidence behind! I found mine at the local drugstore for about $5.
REPLY   7      

Diane (Chesapeake, VA) on 02/26/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I use tincture of iodine (everyday) on skin ulcers which refuse to heal. Sometimes I apply iodine 2 to 3 times a day. I never miss a day when treating squamous cell carcinoma. The area being treated by the tincture of iodine often becomes very sensitive or itchy...don't discontinue the iodine...keep applying iodine on the ulcer. The itchy skin will scab's just the healing process. Scrape off the skin if it again develops a white flaky patch or a brown scab...then, apply more iodine. Use the iodine for at least one to two months until the skin ulcer has completely disappeared. Then, use Retin-A cream to complete the skin rejuvenation process. Use Palm Fruit Oil along with the iodine to promote deep healing and along with sun block to prevent future skin damage. The ulcer patches have developed on my hands and lower arms. One skin damaged area shows my skin separating on crease lines on top of my wrist. The day after I applied the tincture of iodine to the separating skin, the crease lines showed signs of healing, as blood circulation appeared in the area. The areas I treat are all about the size of a quarter, which is larger than the freckle-sized spot. I figure the underlying skin damage takes in a larger area and it may only show up on the skin as a small freckle-sized spot. Last, everyone will ask you why you are using iodine on your's's sooo old fashioned. Don't let the embarrassment of orangey skin stop your beats having a doctor remove the cancer and leaving you with holes where the carcinoma or melanoma used to be. I use this treatment on all skin problems, to include possible melanoma. In addition to the topical treatment, I plan to add a daily dose of Lugol's Iodine in my drinking water. I want to treat all cancers and other health problems from within. I have red hair and white skin with lots of freckles, and I am very sun sensitive. I have been terribly burned year after year while growing up in California. I am now 56 years old, and the skin cancer is just starting to appear. That's why I feel it necessary to add the Lugol's Iodine daily to my drinking water.