Levothyroxine for Medication Side Effects

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GertJr (Madison) on 06/01/2022
5 out of 5 stars

My thyroid numbers were off (have a serious family history) and was put on levothyroxine (50 mg/day). Since about a week after starting the levo, I just seem to have no motivation. I look around and see things that need doing and just sit there and don't do them. I am alone, so it's all up to me to get things done. Emptying the litterbox, washing up after meals, etc, is being left longer than they should be, much longer than I would have before. My friend says I need an antidepressant, which I am open to but wonder if I wouldn't be wiser to stop the levothyroxin. I eat clean, grow most of my own vegetables and have plenty of strawberries, blueberries and cherries coming in right now. I also grow my own chickens, cage free/free range, so my diet is pretty good. I lean toward keto, low carb/higher protein and moderate fat. No added sugars, I use stevia or xylitol.

Any thoughts?