Castor Oil for Swollen Lymph Nodes

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Dannie (South Carolina) on 08/28/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Lymph Node Soreness

What helped me most was applying organic castor oil with some DMSO externally on the area of my neck that was hurting so bad. I then went and did rebounding on my mini trampoline...gently but firm bouncing, my feet remained on the trampoline at all times. It made the knife stabbing pain and throbbing go away within minutes!! Until then, I'd been up all night sitting on the side of the bed in pain and unable to sleep...God is good?

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May All Be Blessed (Singapore) on 06/04/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I have been sick for around 2 months. It started with a cold then progress to severe cough and ended with lymph node infection. My ear and throat was in pain even when I talk and no matter what I do, it just doesn't heal completely. I was getting worried as it seems to take too long to heal. So I started to search for natural remedies for swollen lymph nodes and came across castor oil application. I did not do the whole protocol. I simply apply castor oil to the area behind my ears and around my neck where the lymph nodes are. After doing this for 3 consecutive nights, I purged out a lot of mucus and I was about 90% healed. One more time of application and I was healed 100%. The pain which has been plaguing me for 2 months was completely gone in 4 castor oil application! Amazing!
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Vinson (New Delhi, India) on 05/08/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I'm 28, Male and have been suffering from multiple lymph nodes on both sides of the neck for the past 5 years. I've had multiple fine need biopsy and Sentinel Lymph node excision biopsy and CT scans during after 6 months of onset but was inconclusive for many possibilities including lymphoma, sarcoidosis, TB, etc. The pathology mostly said it was Reactive Lymph nodes.

Also, my SCM muscles kept swelling up because of these and then wondered if it was Fibromyalgia after seeing some posts on earthclinic. Then I started a Sugar free, diet with minimum brown rice, lentils, beans, steamed veggies etc alternating with Carrot/Beetroot juice fasting intermittently ACV water, I had significant improvement in the swelling. I almost always felt better with the Juice fasting. But I was losing weight a lot. I was down from 160 pounds to 130 in 4 months and I put on almost all the weight in the next 2 months when I resumed my regular diet (high carb, occasional junk).

Then I started Cold CASTOR OIL application on the neck daily for 5 minutes and doing mild Excercise (Stretching, spot jumping) for 15 minutes before bathing for exactly 1 month while on a Zero Sugar, med carb, med protein, veggies diet while trying not to lose weight.

The Results were AMAZING. The Swelling around lymph nodes reduced significantly though not disappeared completely I'd say I feel much better. The SCM muscle swelling and no more flaring up which happen after meals earlier.

I halted this remedy after I had a scare yesterday after I reading in some post about castor oil application might spread certain cancers which might spread the disease.

I would definitely resume this method once I am sure I am not doing more harm by spreading bacterial/malignant conditions.

Would love Ted's or anybody elses feedback.

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l (Sandusky, Ohio) on 10/25/2008
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter was diagnosed with Lymphatic Malformation or Cystic Hygroma, (A large growth or swollen mass just under the skin in the neck/throat area), when she was born. It was alarming to say the least. It is a congenital birth defect, and it has to do with a defect in the venous system or Lymph system. The cyst are filled with Lymph fluid. It's also very unpredictable, and a cyst can swell up or go down at any time, and new cysts can appear at any time. The cysts can get very large, and cause deformities in the face and other parts of the body, and obstruct breathing. There is no known cure, except surgery and a drug that can be injected directly into the cyst called OK-432. Usually when the child gets sick or has an infection anywhere in the body, they swell up, or new ones appear. My daughter is two now. About 2 months ago, she developed a new cyst on the other side of her face/neck. I freaked out. I'm not to keen on doctors, because of what they put her through when she was born, and (No money, or a car), I'm always searching for an alternative cure.

I've had extremely good results with Castor Oil. I'm a big believer in this stuff. I buy big bottles of it at a time, it's great. I use it, whenever I have a problem. Edgar Cacey was a Christian, and always gave credit where credit was do, to God, and he felt motivated by him. There have been many, many documented reports over the decades of Castor oil really helping a lot of people for a wide spectrum of ailments. I put her on Castor oil packs about 4 times a week for two months, and the cyst went WAY down, and has stayed that way for a while now. Now, I'm not 100% sure that was what worked for her, but we seem to notice it beginning to shrink and a response from her as soon as we started her on the packs.

The packs are messy, and it's not easy to get a child to hold still for a pack on their abdominal area. So, I used an old throw away shirt, and safety pins. I safety pinned the saturated flannel section on the inside of the front of the shirt to cover her stomach, and generously massaged a large amount of the oil all over her cysts on her neck and throat. I did this regime at night, and in the morning gave her a bath or a shower. The heating pad is not really necessary, but helps, a lot. I did not do a heat source on her, because she is so young, she would never sit still for it. The first few nights, she was restless, and agitated, and was running a mild fever. Then in the morning, the fever would break. We noticed it getting smaller from than on. It really seemed to help her those packs. She seem to have a lot of energy and be in a good mood, the mornings after the packs. If and when this happens again, I'll try the packs again. Castor oil is great. Hope this helps her. Like Cacey said, Do the packs along with a prayer for healing.

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Moorea (Santa Fe, New Mexico) on 05/06/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I am so grateful for this site! Last night I woke with a swollen lymph the size of a tennis ball and was terrified. I'm 24 and have never had something like this happen before. But, did a google search and found your site and Castor Oil recommendation. It REALLY works! I placed castor oil on the area and placed a flannel rag over it and a heat pad. This morning my lymph was still slightly swollen, but after a bath of epson salts, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar as well as eating miso soup (a very alkalizing food) I feel 100% better. I had been sick with a cold for about two weeks and these remedies seemed to cure that as well. I think it is also important to note that these remedies work really well when you have a frame of mind that supports curing yourself, by re-focusing on the things that give you joy and the things that you love, can only help you be more grateful and less focused on the thoughts that created this illness to begin with. Thank you so much!
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Bianang (Sarasota, FL) on 01/11/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I tried the ACV orally plus the ACV, H202 & epsom salt bath to help reduce my son's swollen lymph nodes. I did this for 5 days and it did seem to help soften it a bit but the most improvement I've noticed was after I massaged the swollen nodes with CASTOR OIL. After applying the castor oil, I applied a piece of cloth (should be flannel), then a plastic bag then a heating pad. I also applied did the CASTOR OIL PACKS in the stomach area. This is supposedly outlined in the Edgar Cayce's readings (he was a healing psychic). There was a significant reduction in swelling (flattening) within 2 days after I started with the castor oil. If you do an internet search on castor oil for swollen lymph nodes it will give you the detailed procedure.