How to Treat Swollen Lymph Nodes Using Natural Remedies

Modified on Nov 23, 2023 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Swollen Lymph Nodes Natural Remedies

Lymph nodes, small, bean-shaped glands linked by lymphatic vessels, play a crucial role in the body's immune function. They transport lymph fluid, assist in waste disposal, and produce white blood cells crucial for combating infections. These nodes, along with the spleen and tonsils, form an integral part of your immune system.

Swollen lymph nodes are a common reaction to various illnesses, such as strep throat, mononucleosis (mono), mumps, or even a simple canker sore. This swelling often indicates that the body is generating additional white blood cells to counter the infection.

Several home remedies prove highly effective to support the immune system and promote lymphatic health. Apple cider vinegar, known for its health benefits, can aid in fighting infections and improving lymph flow. Castor oil applied topically, is excellent for reducing lymph node swelling and enhancing immune response. Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, supports overall immune health and is particularly helpful in managing swollen lymph nodes. These natural remedies offer a safe and effective way to support lymphatic function and combat infections.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Lymph Node Health

According to readers, apple cider vinegar, the most popular remedy on Earth Clinic, can effectively reduce lymph node swelling when consumed internally.

Mix 1 – 3 teaspoons of raw, organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Consuming this tonic 1 – 3 times daily helps alkalize the body, creating a more optimal environment to combat infections. Additionally, it provides essential micro-nutrients that bolster overall health.

Castor Oil for External Use

Castor oil is highly effective for external treatment of swollen lymph nodes. Gently massage the oil into the affected nodes twice daily or as needed. Applying heat post-massage enhances the remedy's effectiveness if swelling is concentrated in a specific area. Use a heating pad or a warm rice sock for this purpose.

Peppermint Oil for Lymph Node Swelling

Peppermint essential oil, known for its stimulating properties, can be applied directly to swollen lymph nodes. Use one or two drops twice a day. For those who find its strength overwhelming, dilute 5 drops of peppermint oil in 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil like castor oil, coconut oil, or olive oil before application.

Boosting Immunity With Vitamin C

Increasing vitamin C intake is beneficial to support the immune system in fighting infections. Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C 3-5 times a day. If it causes loose stools, reduce the dosage. Sodium ascorbate, a gentler vitamin C, is recommended for those with sensitive stomachs over ascorbic acid.

Tapping Technique for Lymphatic Relief

The tapping technique is a simple yet effective method to encourage lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling in lymph nodes. You can stimulate lymph movement by forming a semi-circle with your fingertips and gently tapping the swollen lymph nodes. Many readers have found this technique surprisingly effective in decreasing lymph node swelling.


Muscle contractions during exercise play a crucial role in moving lymph fluid through the body. While illness might reduce your activity levels, engaging in light exercise, as tolerated, can significantly help in lymphatic circulation. This is especially important when dealing with swollen lymph nodes.


Bouncing on a trampoline is an enjoyable and efficient way to stimulate the lymphatic system. This activity, even if done while sitting, enhances lymph flow and is particularly beneficial for those with limited mobility.

Important Note:

While these home remedies help manage swollen lymph nodes, they are not substitutes for professional medical advice, especially if symptoms persist or are accompanied by other unusual signs. Swollen lymph nodes can sometimes indicate more serious chronic conditions like lupus, HIV, or certain types of cancer.

We invite you to continue reading below for additional tips from Earth Clinic readers who have shared their experiences with various swollen lymph node remedies. Do you have a personal natural remedy for swollen lymph nodes? We would love to hear about your experiences and feedback!

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List of Remedies for Swollen Lymph Nodes