Ted\'s Remedies for Lyme Disease

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Rita (Arizona) on 10/08/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you Ted for helping everyone. I followed your advice about the bloodroot for Lyme. I had it since Feb. 22, 1978. I slowly upped the dosage to 30 drops a day throughout the day. Five or ten at a time. I know you suggested 3 drops but the bottle said thirty so I "went for it". I feel great. I also use two scoops of Black Cherry glutamine powder per day to remove the dead cells and prevent Herxing. I also want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart for telling everyone about the tomatoes and tomato products like salsa that cause knee pain. I also read the book on blood types and he said type O blood are allergic to night shade vegetables. I am now totally knee pain free. It took 10 weeks to feel better. I had been suffering with knee pain since I was 54 and now I am 69 with no knee pain. I read that Cilantro stops knee pain for type O's who eat night shade veggies so I'm trying that because I love Mexican food. I bought 4 bunches of organic cilantro and put it in a bowl of cold water with little plastic bags on top of each bunch to keep it fresh and now I make a shake with it. I found a ND on the net who suggests... One half cup of cilantro, one banana. About 15 organic (frozen) blueberries, 3 table spoons of cottage cheese, about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of your favorite milk, and I like to cheat sometimes and use 1 tablespoon of organic brown sugar. He said it takes three weeks to get the lead and other bad minerals out of your body and it also kills lyme. There is very little Lyme disease in South America and they sure use a lot of Cilantro in their food. Bill Mahr said that the State of Calif. Has passed a law that all food made in Calif. Must contain cilantro. Interesting. Cilantro also kills Salmonella and they have had a problem with that in the spinach fields. I also read that cilantro strips the mercury and lead and other metals that the lyme uses to make the film which protects them from antibiotics and herbs. I have had great success with bloodroot and glutamine powder and I hope the cilantro can help with the allergy to night shade veggies especially thoes tomatoes and tomato products. I use to eat breakfast burritos and they were killing my knees especially the ones from Mexican restaurants with white potatoes in them. If the cilantro was not helping with the knee pain in South America wouldn't the people of thoes countries be cripples with knee pain when they reached the age of 54 like most people with type O blood? I am trying to connect the dots here. They don't have lyme to any extent and no knee pain and they eat cilantro in their food. I think I'll do as the South Americans do and stick with my cilantro. I also use cilantro extract and now cook with it. I am trying to get up the nerve to fix some breakfast burritos but I am so afraid the knee pain will return. It is so horrid as you said that I was bed ridden because of pain from the night shade vegetables and weak from lyme disease. By the way I always tested neg. For lyme. So much for tests in the good old USofA. I will keep you posted if the cilantro allows me to eat night shade veggies. I feel wonderfull Ted and I have you to thank for it. God bless you, Rita