Natural Remedies for Healing Cracked Lips

Modified on Jan 31, 2024 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Lip Balm

Natural treatments are highly effective for healing and preventing cracked or chapped lips. From simple home remedies like coconut oil to skin-supporting supplements, there are various options to keep your lips healthy and hydrated.

Understanding the Causes of Cracked Lips

Unlike most body parts, lips lack oil glands, making them prone to drying out and cracking. Factors contributing to this include cold or dry weather, inadequate self-care, sun overexposure, and frequent lip licking. Certain medications and supplements, such as retinoids, lithium, chemotherapy drugs, and high doses of vitamin A, can increase the risk of chapped lips. Dehydration and malnutrition also play a significant role.

Additionally, some lip balms contain ingredients that can actually cause chapped lips, creating a cycle of continuous application. Ingredients to watch out for include menthol, camphor, phenol, and alcohol, which can be drying or irritating to the sensitive skin of the lips.

Effective Home Remedies for Dry, Cracked Lips

Treating dry cracked lips often involves simple yet effective home remedies.  Some of the most effective remedies include:

  • Vaseline: Provides a protective barrier and helps retain moisture.
  • Coconut Oil: A natural moisturizer that soothes and heals dry lips.
  • Glycerin: Helps retain moisture and softens the lips.
  • L-Lysine: An amino acid that supports skin health and can prevent lip cracking.
  • Lanolin: A natural emollient that effectively moisturizes chapped lips.
  • Manuka Honey and Shea Butter: These natural ingredients offer healing and hydrating properties, especially when combined.
  • Mustard Oil: Known for its moisturizing benefits.
  • Sugar Exfoliation: Gently removes dry skin, followed by rehydration with Vaseline or a similar product.

Supplements for Preventing Chapped Lips

In addition to the above remedies, certain supplements can help prevent chapped lips:

  • Vitamin B2 and B Complex: Supports overall skin health, benefiting the lips.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, they help in maintaining skin hydration.
  • Vitamin E: Known for its moisturizing and healing properties, it can be taken orally or applied topically.
  • Zinc: Essential for skin health and repair.


Cracked lips can be a bothersome condition, but with the right natural remedies, they can be healed and prevented effectively. Incorporating these treatments into your daily routine, alongside staying hydrated and protecting your lips from environmental factors, can ensure healthy, moisturized lips. Share your experiences with these natural remedies or explore additional tips from our readers for managing cracked lips naturally.

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List of Remedies for Lips, Cracked or Peeling