Dietary Changes for Lipomas

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Bobbi H. (Florida) on 12/29/2015
1 out of 5 stars

I had only a couple of lumps and had two or three removed surgically about 20 years ago...but when I had my umbilical hernia repair with surgical mesh. They started coming again and new ones were coming.

Estrogen seemed to make them grow too. But a couple of years ago I wanted to get rid of tummy fat and started the amased diet (has soy)

I went on the almased diet (has soy) and the number of lumps got worse...lots of little ones. and a couple of them really started to grow.

It is all very frustrating....the doctors do not want to even pay attention to them and they are very obvious. I wish someone would take on the challenge to find the cause.

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Jill (Oklahoma) on 05/11/2015
1 out of 5 stars

Hi Everyone , 43 . 5 /8" and about 30lbs overweight .

I've have just recently noticed these lumps on around my ribs and stomach and I think some on my upper arm. I changed my diet to 80 % raw veggies not all organic with a little protein and 100 whole grains. no sugar or white breads. I changed my diet because I had a scare with thyroid nodules I found one day. went and had biopsy and test and changed diet while waiting to see if I had cancer. No cancer! Then after all that I started to notice all these lumps all over ribs. Most all small like pea size to larger big peas to almond size. I had my primary doctor examine me and he thinks they are lipomas .

I still kinda want to check them out more just to be sure its not something else . don't know what else they could be , but like everyone I don't like them, some kinda hurt while laying down. I think I'm getting more of them. I feel like there are about 30 of these things so far.

So I've been reading a lot and noticed that a lot of people that have these lipomas seen to have a somewhat veggie diet ??? not all people. Makes me wonder if it is eating pesticides or chemicals from vegetables. Like I said, I just changed eating from more of a 50% raw veggie to 80 % juicing, and whole veggie with a little animal protein and whole grain and not all organic.

I will also try the apple cider vinegar. I am also applying a turmeric, olive oil and organic yogurt mixture all over my ribs. I look like a big bird weirdo but who cares If it gets rid of these things. I leave it on about 15 min. or dry. Turmeric stains so beware.

I mix 1 heaping tbs of turmeric, 2 heaping plain yogurt, and 1 tbs of olive oil and maybe a little flax seed oil. mix it up and use paint brush and paint it on thick.

I've also read you have to be careful with turmeric because it is a blood thinner. So I'm not eating it yet.

On another site, I read that a thick mixture of honey and flour mixture gets rid of them too . but you have to leave it on for like 8 days and cover the paste up with bandages. Then re-apply it every 36 hours and til the 8 days is up ... yikes!

I will also reply back if this stuff works.