Home Remedies to Shrink Lipomas (Fat Deposits)

Modified on Jan 14, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy.

Home remedies and dietary changes can be an effective treatment plan for shrinking a lipoma or fat deposit. Our readers report that helpful home treatment for lipomas includes apple cider vinegar, turmeric, and burdock root. Dietary changes can also help, such as avoiding soy or foods containing MSG and artificial sweeteners.

What is a Lipoma?

A lipoma or fat deposit is a slow-developing growth of fat this is usually located beneath the skin and above the muscle. Lipomas are typically easy to identify as the deposits move easily with light finger pressure and feel “doughy” or pliable to the touch. A lipoma is not cancerous and is usually harmless; however, some deposits may be painful or continue to grow. They can also be cosmetically discouraging to those who are plagued with them. While some people have just a few lipomas, others have dozens or even hundreds of them.

The exact cause of lipomas is unknown; however, obesity is not the root cause of the deposits. Lipomas do typically tend to run in families, however, so the cause likely has genetic underpinnings.

Home Remedies for Lipomas

1. Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar is a simple remedy for lipomas. Drink 1 glass of water with 1-3 teaspoons of raw, organic apple cider vinegar 1-3 times a day. Start with less and increase the amount over time to make sure this remedy suits you.

2. Herbs

Liver and blood purifying herbs have been useful for the reduction of fat deposits. Burdock root, turmeric root, and dandelion root are all good choices. It is easy to add these supplements to your diet.

Burdock and dandelion roots can be found in capsule form. Take 4 capsules twice a day with meals for at least a month.

Turmeric is a common remedy for many ailments and can be taken in capsules, like dandelion or burdock root, or a teaspoon can be added to a glass of milk or water and consumed once or twice a day.

When you are taking purifying (detoxifying) herbs, always take them with plenty of water so that your body can eliminated the toxins easily. One theory about lipoma causes is that these fat deposits are caused by toxins, making detoxifying herbs a good choice.

3. Dietary Changes

As with most health problems, diet can make the problem worse, or solve it all together. While anyone dealing with a chronic health condition will do well to avoid artificial sweeteners, MSG, sugar and processed foods, there are a few other considerations for those who suffer with lipomas. Soy seems to be linked to lipomas. Dairy products, especially ice cream seem to increase lipoma formation in some people.

Natural Topical Treatments for Lipomas

1.  Castor Oil

Castor oil is useful in removing a variety of growths from the body. Massage castor oil onto the areas of the lipomas before bed. Castor oil is greasy so use old pajamas and sheets when you use this treatment.


DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)  is another natural topical treatment for lipomas. Apply DMSO to clean skin with clean hands. DMSO is a solvent. Avoid chemicals in clothing and on your skin when you are using DMSO as the DMSO can "carry" the chemicals into your body. 

3. Turmeric

Turmeric can be used topically for lipomas as well as internally. Turmeric can be added to coconut oil or castor oil and applied to lipomas at night. Turmeric will stain skin and clothing.  Add about 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder to 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil.

4. Iodine

Iodine can be used for lipomas. Use a q-tip to apply iodine to your lipomas twice a day.

Essential Oils for Lipomas

Essential oils are a pleasant way to treat lipomas. Essential oils are very concentrated natural medicines and many of them smell lovely as well! They should be diluted for topical use. 

Sage, tea tree, and frankincense essential oils can be used for lipomas. Add 1/2 teaspoon of one or a combination of the above-mentioned essential oils to 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil (Coconut oil, fractionated coconut oil or castor oil) and apply to lipomas twice a day.

How Long Will it Take to Help My Lipoma?

Because lipomas can take time to shrink and disappear completely, do stick with your remedy (or remedies) of choice for at least a month. If you see no change at all, consider adding another remedy to your treatment plan, or try a different remedy.

Everyone is different, so what works for one person is not the solution for everyone. But don't give up. While it is common to hear that the only "cure" for lipomas is surgery, our readers tell a different story, but usually their story includes perseverance and faithfulness to a remedy in terms of weeks or months instead or one or two applications of a remedy.

Have you tried any natural remedies for lipomas? Please share your experience with us! And continue reading and you will find interesting natural remedies and commentaries from our readers.

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List of Remedies for Lipomas