Art Solbrig's Lichen Planus Remedies - the Dynamic Duo

Lichen Planus Remedies.

By Art Solbrig
Published September 3, 2020
Updated September 29, 2020

Lichen Planus is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects skin, mucosa, and nails. It is a challenging disease to treat, and the many remedies listed on Earth Clinic clearly reflect that difficulty. These remedies, like aloe vera, are marginal at best, and some are quite complex, making a difficult situation even more difficult.

Being a chronic disease with poor options for treatment means that you may have it for life. The cause of Oral Lichen Planus ("OLP") and Lichen Planus ("LP")  is currently unknown.

Here is a link to images of LP.

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    List of Remedies for Lichen Planus, Art Solbrig