Apple Cider Vinegar for Kidney Stones

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Billy (El Paso, Texas) on 08/30/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site about 2 months ago, being an open minded skeptic I had to try the ACV for my kidney stones which I suffer from 6-8 times a year. Half the time the symptoms were just mild aches in the low back, the other half of the time the were assume the fetal position, and vomit due to the pain. I have suffered from kidney stones for the last 9 years and was willing to try anything, and I am glad I did.

My most recent bout was with one of those that causes me to assume the fetal position, I asked my wife to get some ACV. When she returned with it, I took about 1 1/2 shots of it followed by a glass of water. Within 10-20 minutes the pain was gone. It was the greatest day finding this great home remedy. I hope this helps you too. I have found that mixing the ACV with apple juice and some honey makes it go down easier.

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Santhosh (Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh) on 08/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars




Kerry (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 07/21/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have taken Apple Cider Vinegar for many things including Kidney stones. It tastes bad but if you add it to apple juice it's not that bad. A little like "Hard Cider" I just got done passing the parts of a very large stone (haven't been taking my apple cider vineger for awhile) this has made me reconsider my daily dose I was doing in the distant past. Thank you just want to let you know about add the apple juice to make it taste better.
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Joseph (Denver, Co) on 07/12/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My stone was about 6 mm, and was causing me HORRIFFIC pain. Stopped and parked my car twice enroute to the Hospital, and vomited to dry heaves. As Roseanne Rosanna Danna used to say, " Thought I was gonna Die!! ...

My visit to a VA Hospital ER was a nightmare. The RN's and Docs didn't have a clue. They looked at me with the expression of a dog looking at a new food dish, head twisting and all... If it isn't surgery or meds from a big Pharmaceutical Co. , most docs are as dumb as your stone is.

Thank God for the internet and Homeopathy! The apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp (not tsp) and water water and more water, every hour until I couldn't hold any more water, did the trick. I drank the water with a lot of lemon juice in it. Within about two hours the pain went from a 9 down to a 1 or 2. Then it disappeared. The urologist INTERN had already scheduled surgery and proudly predicted a good deal of post op pain. (It was an intern who was going to do my "surgery" ; and a steel instrument into my urethra by an inexperienced, arrogant guy didn't sound very promising.

Thank God for the internet and unselfish prior sufferers willing to share their paths to recovery!! The real helpers here don't always wear starched white lab coats or drape big stethescopes around their neck and strut the hospital halls to impress; they are just good people who want to help.

A note to Docs and RN's:

People in severe pain don't want to be impressed; they want their severe pain relieved. Sincere empathy is HARD TO FIND in a hospital these days. Bless you all who have shared your effective remedies on line.

Love ya, Joe

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Misty (Flatwoods, Ky USA) on 06/09/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Just thought I'd share my results, I have had several kidney stones, I get them and pass them every few months when I first found out I had them in 2007 I had one in each kidney the size of golf balls, so my doctor set up lithotripsy they ended up doing both kidneys while I was out, when I woke up I was in such bad pain it was ridiculous. I then proceeded to pass 64 3mm stones over the next 3 days I cought them and had to take them to my urologist, who I never heard anything back from. Fast forward to yesterday when I found this website, I have been having kidney and lower abdominal pain for about 10 days, I could feel the stone moving down the line, I tried about 3 sips of apple cider vinegar today and though it was the worst thing I have ever tasted... It worked! No pain since been feeling great since then haven't passed my stone yet but no more pain it's a big deal. Didn't even cost that much, only a dollar at my local Foodfair. One thing, prepare to have heartburn all day, and hold your nose while you drink it, but it's worth it!!

Joe (Brownsville, Texas, Usa) on 11/04/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have had kidney stones for almost 30 years. About 2 years ago I heard about the use of ACV and decided I had nothing to lose. I took 1 tblspn of ACV and 1 tblspn of honey and mixed them with about 6 ounces of bottled water. Within 1 hour, I had begun to feel relief from the pain. Now, whenever I feel that lower back pain, I immediately make my mixture and pour it over ice. It is a most refreshing drink. Oh, sorry, but I ditched the ACV for plain white vinegar and found that to be more palatable and with the same incredible results. I have not been to the Emergency room or doctor for 2 years now and I try and drink my mixture at least once a week. I am diabetic and also suffer from frequent bladder infections.

One night I was having a bladder infection and decided to try the vinegar/honey and lo and behold, by the next morning I was infection free! I now use the mixture for both my kidney stones and for bladder problems. After drinking my mixture I notice that it restores my urinary flow back to normal. I actually try to mix about 18 ounces of water with the corresponding vinegar/honey and drink the mixture throughout the weekend.

As I said, it is quite a refreshing drink and I am pain free and stone free now for 2 years. I am a very happy camper! I read in other posts about people having trouble with the water, which is why I use bottled water, and NOT the mineral rich tap water. I have shared that remedy with about 5 others and all have had positive results.

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Kaystar (Oxnard, Ca) on 10/16/2011
5 out of 5 stars

After being on 600 mg of Motrin every 5 hours for a week, I decided to try 2 oz ACV in 8 oz water with a couple tablespoons of honey. Tastes like a really bad bottle of wine, but pain gone instantly!! How is that possible?? Have not had any pain med for 20 hours so far and still feel good. I sense the stone is still there, but at least it doesn't hurt 24/7. I will drink a glass of this every day for the rest of my life.

Riki (Singapore) on 10/14/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I start developing kidney stones in my twenty's and had them every year or two, with atrocious pains that lasted longer each time up to 3 days or more, till one day in my 40's I reasoned and worked out the dissolving properties of vinegar that I can say it make lemon juice inadequate for what it concerns K.S., not only I realize that Apple. C.V. is an anti dolor, but it make K.S. soft enough to be passed easily no matter if still in the kidneys or stuck in the bladder. What I can't understand up to today is why the complete silence from the official medicine, not one G.P. in any country. I been between Europe and Australia seeing me suffering atrocious pains ever suggested it, they couldn't administer any drug, only in hospital a few times they give me some morphine or other strong pain killer, why...

It's now at least 15 years (I am now 57y.o.) that I just smile when I feel that the beast is coming, I get my A.C.V. Bottle and water and down with the job, 20 minutes or half an hour and it come out at the first urination. If I mention it to a doctor they look at me funny or pretend they did not hear, hypocrites. I don't like doctors or the medical institution "business" specially knowing that humanity needs them so much, they don't like when our pains don't bring them gain and they hate if we manage to come out of it by ourself, interest overcome compassion. I wonder how many other little secret are there that they aware about but virtually free and they do not say and try all the time to squelch people that generously and enthusiastically try to share their knowing. thanks Dr.Riki


Hadidx (Oakwood, Ga, Usa) on 04/15/2011
5 out of 5 stars


About 2 years ago I suffered from kidney stones (most likely caused from dehydration due to my foolish lack of drinking water and bad diet! )which had me keeled over on my living room floor in a fetal position multiple times. I drove myself to the ER when it got to the point where I worried about my life! The doctor told me I had kidney stones, and would probably need laser surgery to break them up and "heal". After a $5K consultation, I was released with some antibiotics and pain killers to think it over.

After hours of extensive research (mainly from earthclinic!), I came across ACV treatments for the first time in my life (I'm now 36). I drank 4 oz. Shots of _____s ACV with 2-4 oz. Shots of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) every hour, and the next day (the day after I was in the ER), I urinated out the kidney stones as more of a dust rather than the massively painful stone. Felt on a scale of discomfort of 1-10, maybe a. 5. ACV and EVOO softened and dissolved the stones into powder within a day! 1 DAY! I never even took the pain killers.

After the first horrible tasting shot of ACV, the pain stopped! I can handle bad taste over fetal position pain any day. I haven't been to the doctor since, and I always keep 1 or 2 big bottles of _____s ACV on hand for nothing but medicinal purposes, as everyone should!

Thanks for your site, and please pass on the Kidney Stone story for those who could use it! Obviously diet, water, and PURE 100% Cranberry juice should be added to help restore the kidneys, and lots of water and a true/real healthy diet will keep any illness away, but thank God for ACV!
Thanks again!

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Megan (Belfast, Northern Ireland) on 02/01/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with kidney stones for several years. I had a constant dull pain in my back, and passing the stones was terrible. I was diagnosed by our doctor, but was unable to go into surgery since I have 2 small children and no reliable babysitters. Intercourse with my husband was constantly painful due to the stones, and it was embarrassing when I experienced pain from them in public.

My friend came to visit and suggested apple cider vinegar as it had cured her stones. I took 2 shot glasses of apple cider vinegar that night (without any water) but was skeptical. But within hours the dull pain in my back was completely gone!

In the morning, I took about 2 shots of ACV and I passed several large stones without any pain.

Occasionally now, my stones come back as I am prone to them, but 2 shots of apple cider vinegar does the trick everytime. Completely amazing!

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