Apple Cider Vinegar for Kidney Stones

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beverly (Texas) on 01/27/2022
5 out of 5 stars

My husband had a bad bout of kidney stones on a weekend several years ago. I had him drink some apple cider vinegar in water and it seemed to dissolve the stones enough for him to pass them.
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Epeach (Ga) on 10/09/2017
5 out of 5 stars

About 2 weeks ago I began taking apple cider vinegar(1 tablesp. each morning) for weight loss. What inspired me was my daughter started taking it in May and has lost around 50 lbs.

Yesterday morning I had a tinge of pain when I went to the bathroom and I saw a spot of blood. I am a female so you probably know what I thought. Well, a few minutes later I had the urge to go to the bathroom again. Again, I had just a small pinch of pain, no blood. I looked in the toilet and saw a white blob at the bottom of the bowl. About 18 years ago I went to the ER with what happened to be kidney stones. I had to have surgery to have them removed. Thinking that might be what I just passed, I jumped on the computer and went to Earth Clinic to read about ACV and kidney stones. That's what it was!!!

Thank you everyone for posting your experiences! I will continue using the ACV in case there are more. That pain I can tolerate, for sure! If you have ever had a kidney stone you will never forget the pain, and this was just a tinge, yea! I am not sure if the Lugol's iodine and complementry supplements, along with lemon water and baking soda, I am also taking, could have had a contribution, but I have also eliminated sugar, bread, tea, and soda from my diet....which were my addictions.

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Ngozi (Nigeria) on 07/08/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I had back pains in the kidney region and was a size 22. my sister nk recommended ACV to me in march 2016 and I took 2tbs in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning and last thing in the night before bed. I had sever pains in the waist but continued and this stopped after some days. Am now down to dress size 16 and all pains in my kidney area has stopped. I did not diet or exercise but the weight just dropped off.
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Jana (New York, US) on 04/12/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I've been reading this amazing site regarding stones in the kidney and I MUST COMMENT! My Mom was recently hospitalized for cholangitis (infection in her gall bladder) and was throwing up food. Antiobiotics and hydration was key but it still lingered on. Doctors said it might also be blocked in her tube from her gall bladder. Needless to say, I came upon this site on how to get the stones out without all the fuss from doctors (who really did not offer anything to help, as my Mom is 83! )

I started to give her ACV (1 teaspoon) with purified water for the last day. Today, I see like a cloudy, white deposit in her already clear urine in her catheter tube. Is this the stone dissolved in her tube? I imagine it must be! Thank you for all your comments and recipes to help kidney stones.

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Nora (Usa) on 04/08/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I went to the hospital with bad pain in my back on the right side about where my ribs stop. They said I have a kidney stone after doing a CAT thing. They gave me a vascular surgeon to contact which I was going to do on Monday and this was Saturday. I looked up natural remedies and found this website. I had a new bottle of olive oil and I went out and got a bunch of lemons and a bottle of apple cider vinegar the good kind. I been taking this and the pain is almost gone.

I saw where Chanca Piedra is also good, so I ordered some and got it today, which is Tuesday, and they are 500 mg. capsules. I took my first one today. I also read here alfalfa is good and I already had that, but I will start taking two of them every few hours. I am also drinking a lot of distilled water. With the apple cider vinegar and the lemon juice I put two ounces of each in around a quart of water and try to drink it all before noon. I take one tablespoon full of olive oil a day. I will get limes next time seeing my lemons are just about gone. Well I might get some of both.

Anyhow I want to thank you all for your advise about how to get rid of kidney stones. Seems to be working. My pain is almost all gone. Just a little when I bend a certain way and I am sure that will leave too if I keep this up. Nothing at all like the severe pain I had when I went to the hospital. Thank you all so much!!!!!!! This is a great website. I am so grateful for all your post here and thanks again to all of you. nora

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Betsey (Plainfield, Vt) on 03/10/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Kidney Stones:I had one about 3 years ago & ended up in the ER. It was excruciating pain. Usual spiel. IV Demerol, armload of tests including a pregnancy test (I was about 60yo), etc. Given a "hat" with paper sieve and told to catch & strain all urine. They gave me a script for Tylenol w/codeine & told me to drink plenty of fluids. My insurance had to pay more than $4,000. During the night I passed a very small stone.

Yesterday I was kind of surprised to be coming down with the same symptoms. I was not at home and not able to do much about it except drink a lot of orange pekoe tea. When I got home I got online to see if I could find any home remedies because 1) I was not going back to the ER & 2) I knew there must be a better way.

I had apple cider vinegar because one friend had been touting it's healthful qualities, orange blossom honey, baking soda. The vinegar was off the shelf from the supermarket -- no fancy, smancy organic. AND I had distilled water which I use in my CPAP machine.

Use 1 oz (shot) of the vinegar in a large mug of very hot distilled water, added 1/4 tsp baking soda instinctively, a squirt of honey and drank it down over the next 1/2 hr or so. In the meantime dug out the heating pad because I don't have a hot water bottle.

Went to bed and up/down most of the night until I guess I must of fallen asleep (had "hat" in the toilet collecting all the urine). Awoke this morning and went to the bathroom and there was this rather large stone in the hat! I was very pleased.

I will continue with this remedy today and tomorrow adding Lemon Zinger tea bags to see if I pass anything further. I will also drop the stone off at theMDs to get it analyzed and make note to self to buy more distilled water. I WILL make a more concerted effort to increase my fluid intake. But at least I know that I don't have to go to the ER and spend my insurance companies money when a solution is at hand.Thank you for your help.


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Many Stones (Orange County, California) on 10/06/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Just adding my 2 cents here about apple cider vinegar for kidney stones:

Have been getting kidney stones for 30 years, sometime a few times a year and then several years will go by before getting them again. I know diet has alot to do with it too. First time I got them was age 20, ended up in the hospital. The "tests" were just as painful as having the stones, and at that time it was less common for women to get them so most doctors didnt take it seriously. The doctor in the emergency room didnt and when he grabbed my side he got punched ( it was a reflex, lol ).

They are hereditary ( my dad got them ), I knew I'd better learn how to get rid of them and also prevent them in the future. So here is what has worked for me.

2 to 3 table spoons of Apple Cider Vinagar WITH MOTHERS. That is important as the " mothers" is the sediment in raw-unfiltered ACV. I use popular Organic brand. The regular ACV in the market is not the same and won't work like the raw-unfiltered.

Anyways... add the dosage to a cup or half cup of water ( hold your nose and drink all at once ) to start as this seems to start blasting or disolving the stones. After 10 minutes or so, start drinking alot of water, not all at once but normally then keep sipping it. You can also drink beer or anything else that makes you pee alot ( no soft drinks or sugary drinks or juices) you can drink tea if it makes you pee alot.

Do the dosage once a day. It wont hurt you to do it a couple times a day for the first few days but have heard that if you do it to much you can actually upset the natural ph balance in your system.

Try and not eat alot during the few days you will be focusing on breaking down the stones. Just keep doing the dosage and drinking water.

If you are like me, and depending on the size of the stones ( they all feel like boulders dont they! ), you can actually feel them as they start moving along in your system. You can also feel them just before they are getting ready to pass ( you might feel like you are about to pee a marble) , and this can take a couple days but at least you know they are on their way out of your system. Just to note... you dont always feel them when they are leaving, some are broken down so much you dont even notice YEAY!!!

Once you are feeling better, stop the ACV treatment for awhile. For maintance, use the same dosage etc. every so often.

Start using the ACV and Olive Oil as salad dressing and use Olive Oil and ACV in all your cooking. I don't mix the organic ACV with anything else as some here have and it has always worked for me.

Good luck and hope this helps :)

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Warriorsbond (Anchorage, Ak) on 09/07/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Yea on apple cider vinegar and honey one tablespoon each in hot water drunk three times a day for kidney stones.

I had for years sand looking stones. I recently have had super high blood pressure and nothing was bringing it down medicine wise. I looked up stones can cause high blood pressure so I tried the vinegar sinse I bought a gallon jug recently for family member athletes foot.

In half a day I started having mucous in urine. I figure it was the stones breaking up. Another twenty four hours later no mucous at all and no sand looking stones either. My eye whites are white now. Its been a long time sinse that has been.

My blood pressure is down 20 points on the bottom number without medicine(yes I still take my meds though I mean it is that low before I take the meds)

I had for years tried the lemon juice etc. Lemons it is said is oxylate which produces the calcium stones. Baking soda is too high ph to disolve the stones. Vinegar is acidic enough to break down the stones.

I in the past ate a lot of beans, peanut butter and chili. Rofl. that is what did me in on the stones.

So my diet will change for the better. I am juicing now as well with the farmers market so cheap it helps on the organic foods.

Wanted to say thank you for the page as well. :D

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Mitzy (Brampton, Ontario, Canada) on 11/16/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I didn't even know I had kidney stones. I started drinking ACV in my water like suggestions on this site a few times a day. Over the course of a few weeks I had the most surprising thing happen to me. One day I saw one stone in the toilet after I urinated. I was shocked and thought it must be my eyes playing tricks on me. I continued with my day and latter in the day I saw another one in the toilet after urinating again.

When my husband came home from work that day I told him my story and told him how I had a dull ache in my back. Since he is the kidney stone expert in the family(he has had kidney stone attacks a few times). He told me that ya that was pretty typical feeling after the kidney stones pass. The amazing thing is I felt no pain at all before and during the process - just after a slight sensitivity. I was totally amazed!

ACV is now a regular regime in our house by all of us. Thanks for all the information at this site- it is just wonderful!

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Terrilyn (Chico, Calif. Usa) on 09/30/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I had such pain I thought I would die I would have tried anything but not lemon and evoo, that would not go down. Kidney stones in both kidneys the right one for a long time but not accute the left one went bad really fast. I started to take the Apple Cider Vinegar but tried it with Apple juice like some one suggested. I MIXED 8 TABLESPONS WITH A GLASS OF APPLE JUICE. It took 3 days before it started to subside the 4th day tHe pain went away gradually, though, then it was gone not had any more pain since.


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