Kidney Bean Pods for Kidney Disease

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Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 07/13/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Kidney beans pods is one of the most effective food for curing kidney and bladder trouble.It is also effective for dropsy caused by heart disease and other ailments. Kidney blockage of long duration were also total cured and bleeding from any parts of the urinary system was quickly stopped.Stones and gravel were rapidly dissolved and did not return. Diseases of the bladder and ureter were cured.Rheumatism and acute gout were also cured. For some lucky people their diabetes were cured for good. Patients with inflammation of kidneys and bladder with pus in their urine were also cured.T otal swelling all over the body were also solved with only kidney bean pods water.


Kidney beans pods water must be freshly made and consumed within 24 hours otherwise it will cause diarrhea. Only the pods of the kidney bean were used as the kidney bean were not useful for kidney and bladder problem.

To prepare the kidney pod,boil 2 ounces of the pods slowly in 4 quarts of hot water for 4 hours.When the pods is ready,filter the solution through a fine muslin slowly and carefully and leave it in a cool place for 8 hours. After 8 hours filter the solution through muslin slowly and carefully again as too much fibers in the solution can cause intestinal upset.The solution is ready now.

Other foods that are useful for kidney, bladder and urinary problems are asparagus, beet roots, black eyed peas hulls, carrots, cherry juice, cornsilk teas, cranberries, garlic, onions, parsley, radishes, sage tea and water melon.