Natural Remedies to Prevent Kidney Disease

Modified on Apr 01, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Kidney disease is considered a progressive disease that develops over time, particularly if necessary treatment is not followed. Treatment at any stage is important. Several home remedies can help manage symptoms and prevent further disease development, including apple cider vinegar detoxifying and baking soda for alkalizing the body.

Additional treatments include Arabic gum, castor oil, cayenne, and juicing with such combinations as celery, cucumbers and apples.

What Is Kidney Disease?

The kidneys are two organs situated on either side of the spine at mid-back and above the waist.

These organs function to purify the blood, remove excess fluid, balance the salt and minerals in the blood and normalize blood pressure. However, the kidneys can become damaged due to diet, life choices, and disease, causing waste products and fluid to build up in the body. The result of this damage can be kidney disease.

Also called kidney failure, kidney disease is characterized by the kidneys’ inability to function properly. At advanced stages, dangerous levels of fluid and toxins build up in the body.

Continue reading below for in-depth treatment protocols for treating kidney disease, including those from Ted from Bangkok and Bill Thompson's alkalizing advice. One of the most important repeated suggestions in this section is alkalizing with remedies like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda. Other contributors offer reports of remedies and supplements that have been helping, such as DMSO and Castor Oil packs. Dietary changes, such as eliminating carbonated beverages, are advised as well.

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List of Remedies for Kidney Disease