Multiple Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris

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Pauline (Cheshire, Uk) on 07/13/2010
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

We used sea buckthorn for a family member whose Keratosis Pilaris (KP) had spread over the entire back and upper arms. Within two weeks of applying seabuckthorn wash and cream, it flared up dramatically, covering front, shoulders and thighs. This is the third week and it's now clearing up. I recently realised through reading Earth clinic that I may have both rosacea and KP which worsen during stress. I'm using sea buckthorn and the orange/lemon recipe (Kathy of Dubois) as Ted recommended orange peel oil for rosacea. Also taking l-lysine 500mg and vit C 2500mg with 1/8th tsp of bicarbonate of soda twice a day though I'm not sure if this is enough. It's a work in progress. I still have signs of rosacea (visible veins, redness, large pores, blotches) but overall, the skin now has a 'purity' or dewiness to it. My husband keeps asking what I've done to my skin as I look younger.

For the KP on legs, I also use one drop of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in a squidge of aloe vera. Although the KP was still visible, the skin instantly felt smoother on the very first application. For the last week, I've been on the sea salt cleanse and this has really helped improve the texture of the skin and the red veins in my eyes. Think the mites have set up home there! Exercise definitely helps. I've had to stop jogging for a while but it did clear the skin. We eat about 60% raw, aiming for 75%. It's taken a lifetime to become ill so I suppose it will take a while to gain optimum health.