Pelvic Floor Therapy for Interstitial Cystitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Kaylap (Abbotsford, Bc) on 02/03/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Yes I would second pelvic floor therapy for Interstitial Cystitis. My physio who I saw said that I had muscles firing when they shouldn't be (overactive) and no muscles firing when they should (underactive). My muscles were all confused and stressed out from the chronic inflammation and pain. Intercourse was an absolute NO for a solid year because my muscles were just in a spasm knot. IC free for several years now. I do still need to be careful with intercourse to relax and not tense. I feel like pelvic floor therapy helped though once I was over the worst part of IC and was working on long term healing and future prevention. It did not really help with any of the acute immediate pain.
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Amy (Nevada) on 12/21/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I went to Stanford in 2001 and received pelvic floor therapy for my IC. It seemed crazy at the time, but it literally saved my life. I still do the exercises when I have flare ups.