Lyme Disease Caused Ic for Interstitial Cystitis

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Evelyn (Singapore) on 09/06/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, i would like to share this: I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (IC) two years ago. And I am cured, thank God. The woman who brought me on the healing path is a nurse practitioner in Washington DC, who has ahd IC herself. She has treated AND cured hundreds of persons suffering from this terrible disease. She sees that most of the time, IC patients have Lyme disease, without knowing it. Once you treat Lyme, IC goes away. Before getting to know her, all my urine test would come negative. But she is working with a lab in Virginia, which is the only lab in the world which specialised in IC.

I hope that other IC patients can read this post and find their health back again like I did. Evelyn