Ic Caused By Bladder Stone for Interstitial Cystitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Diana (Horseheads, New York) on 06/19/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with IC a little over a year ago after going through pain for three years and several urologists and obgyns that didn't know squat... Give out a script and see ya! I finally got rippin mad and told them to recommend someone out of town that knows whats going on. I had to travel an hour from home to get better information. I was treated for the IC in a couple of ways and symptoms came back again and we tried another avenue... I had day surgery to explore my bladder and they discovered a stone... Just had this removed a month ago at a well known facility in the other direction two hours away... Relief is wonderful... No more pain (and previous pelvic mesh was part of my problem)... Please do not just accept one person's opinion or diagnosis... Go for more - IT IS WORTH THE TRIP!