Essential Oils for Interstitial Cystitis

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Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 06/10/2012
4 out of 5 stars

ok guys, I am updating my interstitial cystitus game plan here as Ive drawn a few more conclusions over the last few days.

Im getting better. I feel great today, but I did have pain return with a vengeance 3 days ago, to the point where Ive made an appointment with a urologist, and I was looking up worst case scenerios stories on the net about having my bladder removed! :(( $%#@!!

Ive come to conclusion that this is a bacterial issue and not a physical or ulcerated bladder problem. How do I know this??

Ive upped my dosage of essential oils.

I did some research about curing stubborn bladder problems with alternative medicine, and I found out about a product sold in canada and eastern europe called nano drops. I found one random company in eastern europe that sells it. Its $80. There is also a youtube video under "nano drops" cure UTI. I wondered if it was a scam, and anywho, I dont have the money. However, Credited naturopaths had seen it clear incurable serious, interstitial cystitus cases, etc, etc, I found alot of different posts about it so I figured it was for real.

I looked up the ingredients. Juniper essential oil, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Pine needle oil. Thats all. $80. And thats it. In the directions it said, put 10 to 20 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day for up to a month until symptoms dissappear.

So, I increased my lavender and juniper oil intake signifigantly. I then ordered more juniper, and lavender, cuz I knew Id go thru the bottles in no time flat. I also ordered Cinnamon and Lemon oil cuz along with Clove, those are the main ingredients to the "thieves Oil" which is really helping me.

I take about 5-10 drops of juniper and 4 drops lavender in a capsule 4-5 times a day, no joke along with random gelcaps of 1 or 2 drops rosemary(cuz rosemary can be toxic) and more lavender 1 or 2 drops 2 drops peppermint, 1 or 2 drops sandlewood oil, or 1 drop clove here and there. Its been sporadic, Im just trying to get this fixed. Whenever I feel pain , I pop a gelcap with a few drops of random oils, being cautios about the more toxic ones (rosemary, clove) Everyday I push the envelope a little more. My bladder is healing. I can feel it. I cant believe it. It is awesome. I also have been dosing myself with cayenne, and turmeric basically, Ive been stuck at home, with the burning, flaming rocket runs :))) But its worth it. Drinking lots and lots of water, cuz I noticed symptoms started really returning when I slacked off on the water intake. Ive been at home, not going anywhere, focused, on trying to beat this thing.

I do not want biopsies, dont want to have them fill my bladder with potassium iodide or whatever, dont want these horribly invasive tests and procedures. Dont want this to ruin my life. I dont want the nitemare, and now that this has happened to me, its made me aware of this awful disease, I didnt even really know existed.

Ill sometimes do a random capsule of thieves, when I get hit with real pain, usually after I go to the bathroom. About 10 drops. Its pretty safe. I experiment with myself. Sometimes I get racing heart, or strange sensations when I do clove, or too many oils at once, I get paranoid, drink milk, and monitor myself. Its fine. And then I do more. Ive researched younglivingessential oils, and this is fairly safe, as there are recipes on the net calling for quit a few drops of oils, that I thought might be volatile, or unsafe to take. Just be careful.

Do your research guys. I have. Im determined. Im scared and determined. Im 32 years old, and Im not ready to throw the rest of my life away on this disease.