Dmso for Interstitial Cystitis

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Debbie (Philadelphia) on 02/03/2018
5 out of 5 stars

If you can find an IC specialist in your area ask about DMSO this is a procedure where they inject a chemical cocktail into your bladder for 20 mins once a week. It is what gave me back my life. I suffered for about 6 years before I found Dr. Philip Hanno (Philly). He now lives in California.
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Dmsogirl (Minneapolis) on 05/06/2016
5 out of 5 stars

IC for 10 years!

To do DMSO in the doctors office with major medical only insurance would have cost me $4,500.00. I didn't have that kind of money. I tried EVERYTHING on this site and the diet, also no gluten, sugar, alcohol, baking soda, and tired many drugs. Doing the Physical Therapy, Heprin/Bicarb, Ladicane, many other drugs also for IC, but in the WORST flair for last 12 months was going to give up, and remove my bladder when I realized I have Amazon's DMSO 99.99% Pharma Grade 99.99% on my medicine shelf. I use it for bruises, back aches, etc.

So hey, I researched for 2 months, and then with my Dr's (barely) approval, I put some in my catheter w/my meds. (5 drops (diluted to 50% w/Reverse Osmosis water from Target) No pain, so I held it for 1.5 hrs. The flair stayed the same. But the next week I did it again. WOW. Instead of waking every hr to pee all night, I only got up 2x. Was more comfortable all day! I need to do 6 total. (one per wk).

You should also put 50% DMSO on belly and back (7 drops or so per day) as DMSO is also absorbed in the skin. (See Dr Jacob's site on DMSO. He says MSM is even better for this.) I will continue with the 6 weeks. God knows, this is a miracle drug! My Dr (an ANGEL) wants me to report to her my results. I will update to you all as I go.

RESEARCH THIS before doing or you can have HORRIFIC results, with permanent damage.

*** Never use it straight, nor with only a tiny amount of liquid, nor too often. ***

DMSO per 6.5 drops diluted w/6.5 drops of water would have cost me $592.00 at the pharmacy per week w/out the dr's appointment. It cost me about 4 cents. What a money grab!

God Bless. If?s, (Please respond here. )

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Ben (Bremerton) on 03/13/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Best way to take dmso for IC is drink it in a large glass of water. However, you can apply dmso anywhere to your body and it would go to where its needed. Now remember to take lots of vitamin c and goldenseal herb won't hurt you either. It has a powerful antibacterial / antiviral / antifungal effect good for urinary tract infections.
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Shirley (Il) on 08/18/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I'm new here. I went through a series of dmso, treatments, last fall. The dmso is put into the bladder through a catheter. It can be uncomfortable, for me they added lidocaine first. It helps a little. You then have to hold it in there for 10 to 20 minutes, I don't remember exactly. Pelvic floor dysfunction, and vulvodynia, usually go along along with the interstitial cystitis. Following the IC diet helps. I also try and stay away from gluten, and food colorings. I have found they irritate it. From where I was 2 years ago, I'm much better,
I taked pre relief if I'm going to eat something that could be irritating. I still get flare ups. Some people can eat things, that others can't.

The dmso is put into the bladder via catheter.

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Britt (Harrisburg, Pa) on 04/06/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I'm 22 year old female suffering with a bad flare up of IC. For the past 2 years I've been getting DSMO treatments every 6 months (once a week for about 6 weeks). I've found these to be amazingly helpful. It's been about 8 months since my last treatments and that is why I think I have a bad flare up now.

I am able to drink coffee (sometimes) and basically anything I want for up for 6 months after the treatments and feel fine!

During this current bad flare up (the worst it's ever been) I've tried cinnamon pills, baking soda, and colliaded silver. So far cinnamon pills and baking soda may have helped a little and just took the silver so I'm not sure how that will work.

I would HIGHLY advise to get DSMO. The first treatment or 2 can be pretty painful in itself, but after that the results are so worth it.

Good luck everyone :)

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Zsaqwe (Brownsville, Texas) on 09/21/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I think DMSO is for interstitial cystitis. CVS pharmacy might have it for that condition. I got it from the web. DMSO, although it is not approved by the FDA for anything except an obscure bladder condition (interstitial cystitis), is widely used in sports medicine. Professional sports in particular are obligated to use DMSO to get their athletes recovered from injury and back on the playing field. Each team knows the competition will use it, and this would mean a tremendous advantage for the other team, if it were to be ignored. Combine that with the fact that DMSO is as safe as it is effective (unlike large-dose steroid injections, which were once commonly used in professional sports) and its use becomes mandatory in professional sports medicine. When you consider the fact that DMSO is not a new and patentable drug, is cheap, safe and effective, and knowing what you should know about the medical establishment in the U. S. , you could predict with your eyes closed that there is a propaganda campaign against DMSO. The FDA has done nothing except drag its feet in DMSO research since October 25, 1963 when the first research application to study DMSO was filed with that agency. I got the information from: The Doctors' Medical Library by Ron Kennedy, M. D. , Santa Rosa, CA
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Bret (Phoenix, Arizona) on 06/28/2008
5 out of 5 stars

You know, DMSO is approved by FDA for treatment of hemorragic cystitis. I about died when I confirmed this, as DMSO has be characterized as quackery by the medical powers that be. I don't understand why lesser forms of cystitis are not being catagorized as treatable with DMSO. My suspicion is that the hemoragic cystitis is so crippling and so evil that somebody with a heart at the FDA couldn't igonore the clinical research suggesting efficacy for this horrific illness. Cystitis has been called "autoimmune," naturally! By now many people reading this can predict that I will associate it with a virus or elusive infection.

How does DMSO work? Many, many theories but very few pertaining to viruses. It would be too simple and easy to say that DMSO best known as oxygen donor, attacks anaerobic viruses by depriving them of their anaerobic environment. This would be too easy! Too cheap!

Baking soda, I was skeptical at first about this broad range therapy. But, after reading so many,many testimonials from people not promoting themselves or selling anything, hell, I am about to write something about this cheap, simple remedy on my own research website. I will of course try it myself as I too am battling a chronic illness, a confirmed infection of the prostate.

Ted, in this regard has been benificial by taking the time a providing the chemistry to me which explains Baking soda's relationship to CO2.
Baking soda, higher urine ph, is in fact anti viral as viruses just love slightly acidic environments. Alkaline ph actually prevents viral transcription of RNA for replication. Base pair matching cannot happen at certain ph levels. Even in cancer. Whatever we believe causes cystitis one thing is for certain, once again, higher oxygen and higher ph are god sent remedies.