Diet, Turmeric, Exercise for Interstitial Cystitis

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Mary (Oakville, On, Ca) on 11/13/2012
4 out of 5 stars

I am so thankful I found this site. I thought I was going insane with all the negative tests and fine kidneys from the hospital... Until one smart doctor, tonight, told me I most likely have IC. I couldn't have more similar symptoms. I have had 5 years of recurrent UTIS and am 20 years old. It is, indeed, an awfully painful disease...

However, diet and tumeric are crucial to this matter. I'm surprised, however, a lot of you are disabled, yes, but, we all are well aware that exercise couldn't be more important. In order to strengthen the linings, we must strengthen the muscles... So, do your best! I find leg lifts reduce my pains, as well as running, more than any other exercise... Simply because running is generally beneficial cardio and leg lifts target the pelvic muscles.

I also did some research based on my past experiences and cranberry juice can very well make IC matters worsen, as well as D-Mannose. D-Mannose and cranberry juice are for milder urinary tract issues, but for severe matters, they can cause severe damage. If the case is severe, D-Mannose is known to stick to the bacterias, yes, but it can stick to the walls of our organs, obstructing practically every option of ridding/treating IC. Regardless, stay away from acidic and fatty foods, equally.

As for the flares, I have it right now as I'm typing, but walking truly does help, as working out reproduces healthy cells and bacteria. ALSO... VERY IMPORTANT. If you have a lot of stress, be sure to see the doctor. Anxiety is a major cause of my increased symptom pains, and if you are unaware of your psychology stability, it could very well be the underlying reason for your IC and many other illnesses. If you meditate with faith that your body is healing, then it will do just that, and the pain will reduce immediately. I have severe anxiety, so it'll work on anyone if you try and do it right. Just breathe and do your best to keep the symptoms down... Never stop researching... never stop believing and always remember it could be much, much worse! Much love and best regards to you all.