Cornsilk Tea for Interstitial Cystitis

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Kaylap (Abbotsford, Bc) on 02/03/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Cornsilk tea for IC

This tea, along with marshmallow tea, really helped! Several cups per day (at least 3). I would try and let it steep for as long as possible so that it is nice and potent. I forget as I have been IC free (and so have not used this tea) for about 3 years, but I believe my naturopath said to put very warm but NOT boiling water over the tea so that it does not over heat the tea and destroy the healing nutrients.

REPLY   5      

Sd (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 01/21/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered with Interstitial Cystitis since I was four years old. My older sister had it to and went to countless doctors and physicians, who didn't help her at all. I also tried a number of things that never cured it. When I was about ten years old, a woman that we knew who was knowledgable about health suggested a few things for me. The biggest thing was CORNSILK tea. You can buy this in any health store, or you could make it yourself. They dry the silk from corn and then you brew it to make tea. I drank it for a few weeks and noticed a difference. I continued drinking it for years because it actually worked! I was cured! While I was a teenager, I occasionally had the problem and the cornsilk tea always fixed it. I'm writing this now because after about 8 years, the problem came back. I've been taking cornsilk tea again, and it's been helping. I'll probably drink it for a few months before I stop again.

SO...drink about 4-8 cups of cornsilk tea each day as well as plenty of water each day. Do NOT drink juices, sodas, coffee, or milk except very rarely and in very small doses. Let your liquids simply be cornsilk tea and water.

Eat lots of vegetables. Avoid sugars and any processed foods. Eat organically. Get lots of exercise and sleep.

REPLY   1      

Marie (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/04/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I actually used corn silk herb. I started taking 1/2 tsp twice daily for about a week, then decreased to 1/2 tsp once per day. The pain had stopped after the first day, that's why I only use it once per day for maintenance.

The corn silk that I purchased in the herb shop, I just further grind it in the vita mix. It lasts longer that way. I have also used the tea.