Cinnamon for Interstitial Cystitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Donna (Royal Oak, Mi) on 01/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Fresh is of course always better, but I basically took premade capsules for the convenience. Started out with 4-6 a day, a couple in the morning, afternoon and evening. After the symptoms were alleviated, I gradually reduced my intake. I still will take one a day, and sprinkle fresh cinnamon on my toast or apples just for maintenance purposes. Wonderful thing is that cinnamon also helps stomach issues! (gas, bloating,etc) It is a miracle worker as far as I am concerned.
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Donna (Royal Oak, Mi) on 01/05/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I've battled bladder issues all my life, and for a while, high contentrations of cranberry (pills, not juice - juice has too much sugar which feeds the infection) helped. That was until I got IC and became antibiotic resistant. Felt like I was peeing glass. By fluke I read 3 sentences in a magazine that saved me - it basically said that cinnamon kills off E-coli. E-coli is often the cause of bladder issues and IC. I started taking cinnamon capsules and felt major relief in a matter of a few days. I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from IC. You'll sing its praises too.