Cayenne for Interstitial Cystitis

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Tina (Knoxville, Tennessee) on 05/29/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I've had Interstitial cystitis for 30 years. I was finally diagnosed with it 9 years ago. My doctor told me not to drink caffeine. I never had drank coffee before I was 40. In the last 5 years I've had 4 or 5 flare-ups. Today I filled a capsule with 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and in 3 hours there was NO PAIN. There was no burning from the pepper either. The reason cayenne pepper works, is because it goes to the places in the body that need healing, stimulates the blood flow in that area, and the blood is what heals the wound. This also works for bleeding ulcers.
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Shampoo (Sandusky, Ohio) on 06/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

ok guys. I know how debilitating this can be so Im putting my post on here.

About 3 months ago, I got a UTI. What else is new, I get them all the time, but this was an especially bad one. I normally take probiotics everyday and it prevents them for me, so I hadnt got one in like 6 months, it was all gravy. But I missed about 3 days of my probiotics and BAM!! I got like, the worst UTI of my life, I was on the toilet weeping. Anywho, went to the doc, got a script for cipro, took it, didnt go away, got another script, took it, STILL didnt go away.

Now, antibiotics normally NEVER work for me. This is why Im very into alternative medicine, but I was desperate this time. and ofcourse, didnt work.

All the usual things I do for a UTI, didnt work at all, I tried every herb known to man, baking soda, 40 pills of vitain c in one day with gallons of water, apple cider vinegar, olive leaf extract, uva ursi, echinacia, even d mannose, (3 jars) didnt get rid of it. I was in EXTREME PAIN, and I was terrified.

Id been reading alot on the net, about overactive bladder, and a condition called interstitial cystitus on the net HOPING TO GOD, I didnt have it. Alot of women said it started with a bad UTI and ended with YEARS of chronic daily debilatating pain. I guess the theory is, the bladder lining somehow gets damaged, or ulcerated, or mayne you have a bacteria or virus that is hiding, or embedded somehow deep in the bladder walls, where antibiotics or anything else cant get to it. We are talking YEARS of this pain, even, to the point where these women cannot work, cant sleep, cant have sex, cant even function, cant ride rollercoasters, run or exercise. I already have so many problems with my female region as it is, I have struggled so long with other health problems, screw that! They even compare interstitial cystitus on the pain level scales to CANCER. Thats how awful it is. And there is no cure. And I was getting all the symptoms, and it didnt feel like these antibiotics or anything else I was doing was helping this pain. They prescibe Methadone to these folks.

I did some serious, serious research, and I came up with a game plan that is beating this interstitial cystitis.

In the morning I take:

a gel cap filled with one drop each clove oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender, sandlewood, and peppermint oils. Followed by 2 full glasses of water and 1-2 pills cayenne AFRICAN RED PEPPER(xtra hot) has a bright orange red color. 1 pill MSM, and 3-4 gelcaps of Turmeric powder, and 1-2 Dong Quai. I cap these herbs myself. Then I take:: 2 milk thistle, 2 echinacea. I bought those ones at the store.

2-3 hours later. I fill another del cap 2 drops each peppermint oil, and rosemary oil. 2-3 hurs after that, 1 pill filled with; one drop each, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and sandlewood, followed by 1 MSM, 1 cayenne, 2-3 turmeric, 1 dong quai. 2-3 hours later, 1 gelcap, 1 drop each peppermint, rosemary, or lavender )optional) I do this according to my pain levels. If the pain is especially bad, I will add more cayenne, or turmeric, as it is not dangerous to OD on those herbs. You cannot OD on cayenne or turmeric, unless you have a bad, sensitive stomach. Im only 30 years old, and I seem to have a cast Iron stomach, lol! LOTS and LOTS of water. Then before bed, 1 cayenne, 2-3 turmeric, 1 dong quai, 2 echinacia, 1 MSM. you can reduce herbs in the days following as you get better.

The essential oils: I used to be afraid to take essential oils, as I thought they might be extremely toxic. They are in large amounts, you just have to be careful. I never exceed 2 drops usually of anything. Clove, and lavender oil, can be pretty dangerous, especially clove, as only 6 drops can be toxic. Remember to get pure essential oils, not perfumes.

I went hardcore, and I didn't care if I got kidney failure, or liver damage from the herbs I was taking. This painful bladder condition has ruined lives, and I wasn't about to let that happen to me, after everything else Ive been thru. Of course, I'm fine. and I did not poison myself, and I am 95% pain free today, and It gets better every single

It's scary when you feel helpless and hopeless, and no doctors can help you.

I did alot of research on cayenne pepper actually healing bladder tissue.

Some people have cured themselves in less that a week using cayenne. They say you should build up to 3 in the morning, 3 in the eveneing, but I am already seeing at 2 a day, results so. Turmeric also heals mucas membrabe tissue, and MSM, is a sulpher based herb, and is excellent for pain. Alot of people are also talking about colostrum. and Ive already ordered that, its coming in the mail.

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Angela (Federal Way, WA) on 07/28/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I am so sorry to read of soo many struggling with bladder problems and UTI's. It is miserable and costly and sometimes embarrassing!!!

I had what I thought was constant UTI's or feeling like I was getting one for about a year. I did get many uti's but even when i didn't 'officially' have one it felt one was coming on. I was finally diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. This is when part of the lining in your bladder is thinned or damaged- causing tissue, muscle, and nerves to be exposed to your urine causing debilitating pain. If you get an infection on top of this it is excruciating. I thought I was dying one time. After being diagnosed and not ok with "experimental drugs" I looked into natural options and prayed a good deal. I asked God for wisdom as no one here seems to know what to do to end the pain.

I started taking cayenne pepper. Believe it or not it actually works! I was scared to death to try it but the incredible pain i already had made me feel "it can't get any worse". I found capsules that also had ginger root in them to help the pepper not burn your tummy. Cayenne is an amazing healer of Interstitial tissue (bladder lining included). Start slow.. maybe two pills a day at 40,000 hu. It does burn some but that means it is working. After a couple of days add more pills to your intake until you can take 3 in the morning and 3 at night. Always take with food. Hang in there through the initial tough parts... you will get some diarreah and it can be painful. Also, cut out coffee, fruits and berries for awhile. After a couple of weeks try a half cup of coffee with an antacid and see if you can tolerate. Add lots of greens to your diet.

I have been doing this for over two months now. I can drink small amounts of coffee and little bits of fruit. I went from a 10 in pain to a 0... no pain at all. At times a little discomfort but I can tell my bladder is healing. The heat of the pepper is supposed to help fight infection too.