Baking Soda, Peppermint Extract for Interstitial Cystitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Sharron (Grove, Ok Oklahoma) on 10/30/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I've been suffering a terrible flare of IC. Apparently, I've had it for years, although I just learned about it recently. I've adjusted my diet to eliminate all acidic type foods. Onions appear to have been a particularly bad thing for me, and I used to eat them all the time! Anyway, I'm still recovering from this flare -- it's been two weeks now that it's been bad. I came on the EC site about a week ago and read separate posts about peppermint tea and baking soda. Well, what I've discovered is that both of those things help me. However, what seems to help me best when I'm having a lot of pain and urgency is 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and a few drops of stevia extract mixed with either 7 drops of peppermint extract (not oil) OR a strong-brewed cup of peppermint (leaf) tea. Within minutes I'm feeling better. If it is during the night, I'm able to go back to sleep right away instead of laying awake with stabbing pain in my abdomen.

Additionally, I've lost 6 pounds in a week. I think it is related to all the inflammation that the IC was causing. I hope that it will continue!

I hope my little remedy will help others who are suffering. Thanks for a great site. I almost always come here first when I need a remedy for something.
