Manuka Honey for Impetigo

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Ria (New York) on 08/14/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I wanted to discuss my struggle with impetigo and worked. Basically, I used the strongest power of Manuka Honey I could find (I think it was 550+) and it basically cured me. That, in combination with fresh turmeric paste (you have to buy the root- it looks like fresh ginger but orange inside). Cutting out sugar and wheat is a must. Sugar feeds staph.

I put the manuka honey directly above the staph on my chin, so the honey would trickle down onto the affected area. If I put it on the area directly, for some reason, it wouldn't work right. So I say put it above where you have staph. I was also delighted to find it helped with acne.

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Ammer (Stonewall, La) on 07/29/2016
5 out of 5 stars

For Impetigo, try Colloidal Silver. One TBS by mouth every morning and every evening. Wash affected area with soap and water. Rinse very well. Blot dry, careful not to rub to other areas. Put Sovereign Colloidal Silver on cotton ball and blot generously on impetigo sores. Use several cotton balls, carefully discarding contaminated ones. After applying Colloidal Silver, take a q-tip and apply Coconut Oil and leave it. Both Colloidal Silver and Coconut oil have antibacterial properties and work great. You should start seeing healing! After impetigo "rash" is gone, continue Colloidal Silver orally for about a week to boost immune system! Hope this helps! I did this for my 3 year old grandson that developed this all around his nose and upper lip. It's working!!!
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Kirilly (Australia) on 08/03/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Hey folks I have great news, after battling with impetigo for the last year or more my friend passed on some awesome advice: MANUKA HONEY! I had some 15+ Manuka Honey in the cupboard and put some on the impetago on my face and within hours my friend and I observed my face healing. I've been putting Manuka on my face for 4 days now and almost all of it has gone. I'm so thrilled I wanted to share with you immediately. Get some Manuka honey on your impetigo now. Btw, I have long hair and it's a bit sticky on my hair but so what, I'll take sticky hair over impetigo any day. Good luck beautiful people. I hope this helps you.