Hypoglycemia Symptoms and Treatment

Modified on Apr 21, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

What Is Hypoglycemia?

The body’s main energy source is glucose or sugar. As the body breaks down glucose, it releases energy and regulates several of the body’s processes. However, when the blood sugar drops to an abnormally low level a condition called hypoglycemia occurs, causing a range of symptoms and issues. Hypoglycemia is most commonly associated with diabetes; however, several additional health conditions may cause or be linked to the development of hypoglycemia. Much like a fever, hypoglycemia is not actually the disease itself but rather is an indicator of an underlying health problem.

The symptoms of hypoglycemia may vary depending on the individual as well as the exact cause. Nonetheless, several common symptoms can help identify hypoglycemia. Common symptoms of hypoglycemia include confusion, abnormal behavior, heart palpitations, shakiness, anxiety, sweating, hunger and a tingling sensation around the mouth. While uncommon, hypoglycemia may also cause seizures and loss of consciousness.

Maintaining a constant blood sugar level is important for sustained health and energy. As the blood sugar falls below a normal level, hypoglycemia occurs. This drop in glucose level may be caused by a variety of factors. Drug use, diabetic treatment, critical illness, insulin overproduction, endocrine deficiencies and excessive alcohol consumption may all lead to hypoglycemia.

Natural Remedies for Hypoglycemia

Just as several factors lead to the development of hypoglycemia, several things can be used to treat the condition. Several home remedies stabilize blood sugar and prevent the characteristic drop in blood sugar level associated with hypoglycemia. Angostura bitters taken with artichoke leaf and gentian root normalize blood sugar as does astragalus and licorice root. Additionally, bilberry and wild yam control insulin levels, and gymnema sylvestre suppresses the absorption of saccharides. Additional beneficial herbs include Echinacea, parsley, pau d’arco, raspberry leaves and uva ursi. An effective treatment plan also involves getting regular exercise, avoiding aspartame and artificial sweeteners as well as sugary fruits, and sweetening food with natural sweeteners such as stevia.

Read below for more many remedies from Earth Clinic readers.

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List of Remedies for Hypoglycemia