Chia Seeds for Hyperthyroid

5 star (1) 

Annabell (Chicago, Il) on 02/28/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Chia Seeds from day 1 have helped so significantly with my hyperthyroid symptoms it's hard to believe and it's as though I've been taking medication (I haven't). I started out with 2 rounded tablespoons a day (I put them in almond milk or yogurt), and I immediately from that 1st or 2nd day felt drastically better; I felt a huge relief as I was calmer, less shaky, and actually able to sleep. Some days I went up to taking 2 rounded tablespoons 2X a day, but found I didn't need that much, and I did get a slight stomach ache, so probably wise to go up in dosage slowly, if you need to. I feel I am on the road to recovery, feeling my symptoms diminish more each day. Chia seeds are miraculous!
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