Blackstrap Molasses for Gray Hair

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Mg (Dubai, Uae) on 12/28/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

Hi! I have been on BSM for over 3 months now and still no change in the colour of my hair. Is there a certain minimum quantity that I must take. I am currently taking 1 spoon with warm water first thing in the morning.

Should I increase the intake? or should I take it along with something else instead of plain water?

I really need help.

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Paolo (Ottawa, Ontario Canada) on 02/08/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I just got a compliment today. A co-worker asked if I was coloring my hair. I told her it was the black strap molasses that I have been consuming regularily... I guess it does work!
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Starhawk (Houston, Texas Usa) on 10/04/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

There is an alkalyzing protocol by a man named moreless which uses blackstrap molasses and lemon juice and extremely diluted calcium hydroxide and water and kelp. This protocol has cured many diseases including candida even though there is sugar in the blackstrap molasses; this is due to the fact that candida cannot exist in an alkaline environment; so basically this is about creating the correct ph level in the body. Also I believe it is the lemon juice that activates the minerals in the blackstrap molasses to it can be absorbed. His protocol is on another website so I don't know if I can mention it, so try googling Moreless ph balance, or moreless alkalyzing drink of if interested contact me and I will send the recipe. Also different types of baths are included to also alkalyze, but what I am saying here is that perhaps this is a safe way to take blackstrap molasses because the body is alkalyzed and candida will not be a problem. Moreless is no longer on his old forum but has a new forum, if you can email me do so or I will check back on this post. Starhawk Houston Texas.

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David (Edinburgh, Uk) on 09/20/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

Hi, I'm 33 with a lot amount of grey hair. I have been trying for 5 months sort out this issue mixing a glass of milk with 1 tablespoon of molasses every day and didn't work. Should I mixed it with other liquid, soy milk rather than normal one or any juice??? Any feedback would be great. Thanks in advance.

Wendy (Perth, Western Australia) on 06/06/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Alain posts that BSM is high in potassium. I started supplementing with potassium a few weeks ago to help with muscle aches (for which there's been a huge improvement) and I'm sure my formerly grey hair is returning to its normal colour as the dye grows out. Bonus!

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Dreamcatcher1 (Nashville, Us) on 05/31/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I had some grey hairs and chose to go the natural route and try Blackstrap Molasses to get my color back. Well, I took the Blackstrap Molasses concoction for about two weeks if that long. It caused my sugar levels to soar and my flawless face went crazy. My cheeks were covered in fine and large pimples and they itched! I'm still working to get my skin back to normal. I have family members that are diabetic and I think my body is sensitive to big spikes in my sugar level. Good luck to those using the Blackstrap Molasses method. It's not an option for me.
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Janna (London, Uk) on 09/17/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

I have noticed some improvement too after about 6 months of taking a multivitamin containing huge amounts of B vit group. Three month into it, I also added BSM after reading positive feedbacks on this website. Once or twice a day, BSM taken with milk and brewers yeast. So, yes, I added more vit B in the form of brewers yeast. Now I can see auburn highlights so clearly around my face (on the temples and just above my forehead). My natural colour is ash blond and these auburn highlights look quite different from my natural colour but it is still better than having these patches grey. My grey strands, however, are still there on the rest of my head. I found a few strands with brown roots but the white rest. So it is definitely helping but slowly. I have recently added black sesame seeds (like 10 days ago). One table spoon a day. One chinese doctor advised me taking them as in China these are known to promote black and healthy hair.

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Gabi (Toronto, Canada) on 04/30/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

BSM definitely causes gray hair to grow dark. It happens after 2-3 weeks of taking BSM as your hair grow. It does not make hair getting darker! New darker color shows like roots on colored hair. When you stop taking BSM you will notice after couple of weeks more gray roots showing up again.

I was actually surprise that this remedy works so well. Regarding lack of copper: gray hair is just a symptom of it. I read that lack of copper is causing brain aneurysm and stroke in effect but do not ask your doctor if it is the truth.

Anyway gray hair doesn't mean you will get a stroke, you might be at higher risk of having one.

PS I am looking for advice how to deal with heel spur.
Soaking in Epsom salt helped my right heel but left got worse. Ouch! it hurts!

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Ak1 (Scottsdale, Arizona, Usa) on 03/28/2010:
1 out of 5 stars

I have been taking 1 Tablespoon BSM in my morning tea for three months. I wish I had taken pictures before I started because I am not sure if I am seeing any results or not. I know that I am not getting more gray. And around my face there may be a greater percentage of brown but the crown is still quite gray and the bottom line is still must color my hair as often. I shall continue but wish I had greater progress to report.

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Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 03/02/2010:
1 out of 5 stars


NAY, this is not my experience nor what I have researched. When I tried blackstrap molasses, my sugar went out the roof for several weeks. My doctor told me that iron can mess you up big time. It took awhile to get my glucose back reasonable.

I caution any diabetic about using blackstrap molasses.

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EC: Thanks, Robert! This thread has just been cross-posted to the diabetes page.
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