Dietary Changes for Hemorrhoids

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Libyan (Tripoli, Libya) on 01/01/2012:
5 out of 5 stars


hello everyone, alot of very intresting comments and remedies, however, the way I understans it is, we have to live a perfectly good life style, good balanced diet full of fiber and plenty of liquids, and that is a remedy not only to hemorhoids but to a long ilness free life...... We have an old saying "stomach is the house of disease" not sure how else to put that.... By having a clean healthy stomach you have a clean healthy body... adding on, things I found great to have daily or at least several times a week that will help you have clean stomach, vegies like garlic, onions and high fibre content foods such as dried figs, dates... etc, and last Camel Milk "best of all", it is a great laxative, but it also have ingredients that help prevent cancer and tastes good aswell.....

wish everyone good luck and good health

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Moe (Puerta Vallarta, Mexico) on 09/24/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Avoid garlic, eggplant. Never use toilet paper again to wipe yourself, only wash your self with warm water, toilet paper will irritate your anus and can provoke inflamation of the tissue. watermelon must be consumed as much as possible.
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Spiro (Wellington, New Zealand) on 07/27/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hey guys,

I am of Indian origin and have inherited hemorrhoids from both my mom's and dad's side of the family. I should be so lucky - not!

But fortunately enough, my Grandmother - who always seems to have home remedies for minor ailments - let me into the secret of living a hemorrhoid-free-life.

She always said the worst offenders are chicken, chicken egg and beef, which turn out to be spot on for me! You could still eat the other types of meat such as - pork, lamb, duck, turkey, etc. In an instance that you have a bout of hemorrhoids as you were unable to steer away from chicken, chicken egg or beef, try to eat duck eggs with whole mustards in them. It works true wonders!

I have to say at times I am just too gluttonous to be able to completely eliminate the hemorrhoid offenders and subsequently I end up losing blood when I empty my bowels. In such instances I make a duck egg omelet for a couple of days and viola! I am completely free of hemorrhoids. This method is tried and tested on my mom, dad, uncles, aunties and a whole lot of family friends. Give it a try!

Duck egg omelet recipe:

Beat the egg and a pinch of salt in a glass.

Pour a teaspoon of oil (any oil will do) into a hot pan.

When the oil is hot, add a teaspoon full of mustard - be warned that mustard will pop and splutter like pop corn. So once you add the mustard to the oil just close the pan with a lid.

Wait for the popping to subside and pour in the omelet and cook the egg thoroughly.

And you are well on your way to clearing those nasty hemorrhoids. Remember: keep away from chicken, chicken egg and beef and eat loads of vegetables and green leaves to enable easier bowel movement.

Good luck guys!

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Rachi (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have hemorrhoids for about year and had to face the worst when I traveled to my home country which required a 22 hr air journey. I used all the tricks in the bag - from using coconut oil to taking metamucil ( fiber ) - Finally following has worked for me and I would like to share this as this can be of help to many others;

Fundamental to curing or at least' getting a temporary relief is to thin your stool /feces and at the same time not to have constipation.This needs eating /drinking following and avoiding regular food.

Morning I would start my day with drinking a glass of water and then Papaya ( eating about a lb ) - Just peel it , remove seeds and cut into small pieces and eat - simple.

Next I would eat some raisin bran in milk ( post make ) - try not to eat all the raisins.just avoid some of them if not all. Have a glass of water againcThis is your breakfast - if you feel hungry in between - have some more?
of the same stuff.

Be sure to drink at least
2-3 glasses of water in between. this is very important

Lunch - Lightly fried mixed vegetables - about a bowl and have V8 Veg soup - hot - and Water again.

Have some Figs ( sunmaid? ) 3-4 inbetween whenever you feel hungry in between - follow everything you eat with water - you need to drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water

repeat the same stuff for your dinner as well - Green vegies - boiled or fried in oil are good - snap peas , softs pears , no carrots , no juices absolutely no hard food. anything you feel hard is not good -

As I said - Water is the key and also do not sit on chair - you may be either lying down on bed or walking - but absolutely no chair / sofa

This will give you slurry kind of feces next day and you 'll be surprised to see the results in 2 days flat - atleast it worked for me? when nothing was working for past 40 days and I was about to give in for sigmoidoscopy to check the extent of damage and subsequent surgery

Good Luck and remember in short >>>>? lots of water papya raisin bran ( post make ) soft veggies can put you back on your feet.

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Sara (Des Moines, Iowa) on 03/10/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I didn't get hemorrhoids until after giving birth and I suffer terribly from them. I have yet to find a great cure but will try some of these things. I have found though that having a tsp of fiber powder (not the pills...they don't work) in the morning and at night and eating a banana once a day makes your stool soft, and I can still eat meat and all that stuff your not supposed to. Makes all things come out a lot easier but you have to take your time going. I'm not cured..they come back when I forget to take the fiber but it is a relief and allows you to eat the things you want for the most least for me.
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Justin (Shanghai) on 10/06/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Juice 1 glass of beet roots a day and drink it all down. Maybe tough to stomach so mix it with carrot juice or something. Those nasties will be gone in a week.
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Rob (Myrtle Beach, SC) on 08/08/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Eat a bowl of high fiber cereal 1-2 times per day. Your hemorrhoids will go away in a couple days.

John (Col. Station, Ohio) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried radishes and turnips for my serious medical problem. And it really works, at 64 years old....I had a serious hemorrhoidal problem. What did radishes and turnips cure ? Well it really cured my problem of humorist and constipation...... :)) color me Happy :)) A fellow employee had the same problem and told me after nothing, my remedy fixed his same problem.

But to fix it you have to do it right. have have to have both of these veggies at emm, lunch and dinner.

2. Do not drink orange juice, but juices that have vitamin'c' without the acid in orange juice. NO acidic drinks or foods. you can get vitamin 'C' and potassium in pomegranate juice with out acids........

3. do not eat junk foods and beef, the garbage meat..........

This will give your body and intestines a good cleaning - end to end.

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