Castor Oil for Hemorrhoids

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Xpi (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 06/06/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Update: Three days and four castor oil packs later I am so much better!
REPLY   9      

Xpi (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 06/04/2011
5 out of 5 stars

My hemorrhoids flared up when I went on a diet and didn't introduce myself to a high-fiber diet slowly; my digestive system also seemed to have major issues especially with high fiber yogurt, which sent me to the bathroom frequently with burning diarrhea. I stopped eating the yogurt and the burning stopped, but the hemorrhoids persist.

I, like most others, have tried many things to control the pain and bleeding of hemorrhoids, with little success. OTC, sitz baths... none of it was giving me much, if any, relief.

After reading through all the posts on this site, I decided to first try apple cider vinegar; both externally and taking orally. Sadly, it has not helped me.

I then decided to try a Castor Oil pack last night. This morning I had the most comfortable BM I've had in a couple of months. I started getting a little throbbing from sitting a couple hours later; did another pack and felt relief in a matter of minutes. I'm not cured yet, but so far Castor Oil has helped me where nothing else I'd tried to date has.

REPLY   10      

Laura (Sparks, Nv) on 04/05/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Fast Hemmorrhoid cure

When I had babies it really brought on the hemmorrhoids. I tried creams, pads, espom salt soaks, sitting on pillows. I had to suffer 'til it went away. Nothing helped. Years later I was using the Edgar Cayce castor oil felt pad method on my abdomen for another issue and on a whim decided to try it on my hemmorrhoids. It worked! Gone in 20 minutes. This is what I do now when I occaisonally get hemmorrhoids. The ticket is not to get them in the first place... But childbirth.... Fiber dosen't fix that! Ha Ha

Treatment: Tear one sheet of toilet paper off the roll. Fold it in half and then half again into a small square.

Open the bottle of caster oil and set on a stable surface. Unfold the toilet paper to half open. Hold the paper on the top of the open bottle and hold them together and tip the bottle on to the paper so you can carefully pour about 1/4 tsp on to the paper. (be careful not to get on your clothes or carpet as it can stain)

Apply the paper directly to the hemmorrhoid, between your bums. Pull up your pants and go about your business.

The next time you sit on the toilet the paper should fall out in to the toilet, or take it out yourself. If the hemmorrhoid is not gone with the first treatment, repeat until it is. I have had results as fast as twenty minutes!

My 83 year young mother recently had a hip replacement. After a few days she told me she had hemmorrhoids. I said I have a treatment for that, why didn't you tell me? I did the above and handed her the paper that she applied to the hemmorrhoid while laying in bed. Her next trip to the toilet she said it was all gone! The next day I asked her if she needed another treatment and she said it never came back and she was so surprised.

I wish I had this when I had my babies. I know this will help a lot of people.


REPLY   19      

Jon (Singapore) on 06/02/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I had severe piles (internal) & haemorrhoids (external). Visit to doctor who gave some creams & advised surgery if the haemorrhoids didnt shrink. Read about castor oil and tried it as last resort as I didn't fancy the idea of surgery. A friend of mine who had piles surgery discovered he couldnt control his bowels well sometime after surgery.

Anyway, what i did was to coat the rear area, especially the inflamed tissues with castor oil twice a day after visiting the bathroom. Amazingly, after a couple of days, the area went back to normal and I did not have to go back to the doctor.

I will try castor oil for other various problems that I read about on earthclinic. Castor oil rocks!

REPLY   5      

Gabi (TORONTO, CANADA) on 02/04/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Use Castor Oil to cure hemorrhoid. Make small CASTOR OIL PACK. You can use even cotton ball saturated with Castor Oil. Lie down and apply it to the hemorrhoid. You can walk with it if you have to. It brings very fast relive and swollen hemorrhoid shrinks fast.
REPLY   6      

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