Heat Stroke - Heat Exhaustion Treatment

Modified on Jul 04, 2020

What Is Heat Exhaustion?

Extensive heat can have extremely adverse effects on the body. Heat exhaustion is one such effect that arises from too much heat exposure. Characterized by heavy sweating, increased heart beat or rapid pulse and muscle cramping, heat exhaustion is but one of three heat-related syndromes of which heat cramps are the mildest and heatstroke is the most severe.

The symptoms of heat exhaustion may appear suddenly or may develop gradually. Either way common symptoms include cold or moist skin, goose bumps even in the heat, profuse sweating, faintness, dizziness, fatigue, weak or rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure on standing, muscle cramps, nausea and headache.

The body’s heat combined with environmental or atmospheric heat result in the body’s core temperature. Typically the body works effectively to regulate the heat gain or loss to maintain a “normal” temperature; however, when the conditions are too excessive for the body to regulate, heat related health conditions may arise. Typically heat exhaustion occurs as an individual exercises strenuously or otherwise overexerts him or herself in hot, humid weather. Depending upon the extent and degree of heat exposure, the conditions may be easily reversed or require more extensive treatment. Additional causes of heat exhaustion include dehydration, alcohol use and overdressing.

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