Cayenne for Heart Disease

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Mario (Vancouver, Canada) on 04/29/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Thank You for putting your comments and recipe for cayenne for heart disease.

I tried it 3and half hours ago and I just came back - very fresh- from 7 km walk which took me less than 35 minutes!!! Bless You for sharing!! Hope to hear from you soon, I have lots of information to share-with you or anyone else interested, regards, Mario

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Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 11/11/2011
5 out of 5 stars

If you add Cayenne to your health regime, you will; find an immediate improvement to your condition, the Apple cider vinegar will clean your arteries out over time, by dissolving the calcium. But the Cayenne will open all the small arteries, and get the blood to your heart. To stop the heart muscle dying. This is a proven method for a heart attack victim, a teaspoon of Cayenne in eight ounces of warm water, drunk directly after the attack will virtually revive the patient.
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Jeffers (East Anglia, Uk) on 01/11/2010
5 out of 5 stars

hi i too have had 2 heart attacks and had terrible angina for which i use a glycerylni spray and my lower legs and ankles swollen like balloons. i found cayenne about six weeks ago and take a 1/4 tsp in cup of water 2x day. the swelling in my legs and ankles has virtually gone and i no longer have the aching pain.

i also discovered hydrogen peroxide about a month ago and after a few hiccups (not reading instructions properly. ive always read them afterwards lol) the arthritic pain is so much better that i can walk with a spring in my step and i feel so well. i am 63 and have arthritis, diabetes, diverticulitis, aneurism and had no energy or inclination to do anything.

now i wake up refreshed raring to go, but its early days and i know its going to take months to get rid of all the toxic waste but the good thing im looking forward to is that it can only get better so i wish you all the best doris, and everyone on this fantastic site.

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Joe (Philadelphia, PA USA) on 03/06/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Treatments for Chest Pains: My friend is an herbalist and he once cured a man with chest pains by giving him cayenne plus organic magnesium and wheat grass and it stopped the pain, plus the doctors told him it somehow fixed the damage from a previous heart issue also.
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Doris (Santa Ana, CA USA) on 04/08/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Had 2 slight heart attacks age 28 and 32. Scary one at age 34. Always felt so frail, tho ok health but high stress work and poor diet-sooo much coffee. At 38 yrs was electrocuted by faulty computer eqpmt, lost left-side arm use 1 and half to 2 yrs. During that 1 and half, at about 1 yr, strain from the injury caused a 30-second stroke. I watch clock, fully mentally ok, but was physically immobile entire time, couldn't breath, no heartbeat, nothing. Then it just stopped. I was SO weak always from then on. 3 yrs later married, had child, was always terribly tired. Read in heart surgery book about cayenne being able to stop even a heart attack while in progress. I take a pinch (1/4 tsp) cayenne in 4oz water 2 times wkly. Feel better with 5 minutes - energy stamina breathing is easier, circulation feels ramped up to normal. Still tire, not not as without cayenne. Never regained full strength or mobility from electr. injury but dexterity in fingers did return. Strength is still 3lbs., Best, not nearly so drag-out tired. Cayenne is great - in tomato juice or water. Only a pinch is needed. In V8 or regular tomato juice, cayenne goes easy. I put cayenne on hard boiled eggs, hot flavor hides well in grape or orange juice too. Has improved my cholesterol too.
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