Oregano Oil for Headache

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Jillaroo (North Carolina) on 12/17/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I've had a smashing headache for the last 3 days (dec 17) and a headache since Nov 25. I believe it is from a BP med the doc was having me try out. I stopped the med this morning but still had a headache. I tried this oregano oil behind my ears, on my temples, a little under my nose and one drop under the tongue. I also soaked my feet in hot water for about 15 min. The headache is very mild and is slowly going away. And yes, I stopped the BP med as well. ~jill
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Catscradle123 (Shanghai, China) on 10/11/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Had a massive migraine/ headache all day yesterday. I drank 8 oz with 2 tbsp of ACV and it didnt help. I thought I was dehydrated so I drank a ton of water and coconut water too. Nothing worked! I decided to massage the oil of oregano onto my temples and placed a drop of it under my tongue. It was like magic!! Gone in a few minutes!! Thank you so much for your recommendation!!
REPLY   3      

Hlw (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/06/2010
5 out of 5 stars


Wild oil of oregano... because the oils generally come with a dropper, you only need a very small amount dropped on your finger; rubbed into temple and base of neck for severe headaches. less than 10 minutes the pain is gone. oftentimes the pain radiates from the trapesius muscle-- a dab of the oil of oregano won't hurt. gently massage into muscle, then apply pressure. keep away from the eyes. not for the faint of heart: 1/2 dropper full under the tongue will kill any pain. or a small amount dropped onto finger and rubbed on the gums will relieve a toothache.