Menthol for Headache

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Mama to Many (TN) on 07/04/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Menthol for Occipital Headaches

I have had trouble with headaches for a long time. I realized a few months ago that they are likely occipital headaches. They begin at the base of my neck and radiate through my head to the back of my eyes. I even had an electric shock pain in my neck one day that helped me hone in on the connection to my occipital nerve. My chiropractor uses menthol on my neck and back when she works on me. I decided to try that at home.

Stopain, which I can get in the pain section at Stuffmart, has 8% menthol. I get it in a roll on bottle. I keep one in my purse and one at home. I apply it to the base of my skull and along my spine at the first inkling of pain and repeat every few hours. This has worked better than anything I have ever tried.

I am seeing an orthogonal chiropractor next week for the first time, hoping to get to the root of the issue. Meanwhile, this menthol roll on is awesome. It is also soothing for my foot/ankle when it flares up with pain from a break/sprain over the winter.

~Mama to Many~