Reproductive Issues And Hair Loss for Hair Loss In Women

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Kay (Destin Fl) on 08/04/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hair loss - Beware it may not be your Thyroid (see "ATTN WOMEN" & *** notes below)!

Beware also that many sea salts do not contain sufficient iodine, a NECESSARY thyroid nutrient, so you must to read the lables for iodine content! (Thus, decades ago the USA mandated iodine fortification of table salt, in order to supply the recommended daily dose of iodine to the general populace [many of which did not consume seafoods on a regular basis, thus many were 'naturally' iodine deficient). A "Lite Salt" like Mortons table salt in the LIGHT BLUE canister is still good for your table (P less sodium and sufficient iodine), meanwhile cooking with sea salt!

***ATTN ALL WOMEN***Please consider my experience: I developed the same symptoms as you describe after being very sick (up & down) for over a decade (despite previous good health, then hundreds of doctor visits). Finally I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies/chemical sensitivities etc. Fortunately, most all these symptoms abated after my recent radical hysterectomy; it was actually OVARIAN CANCER (OC; found accidentally when I was palpating my naval area/lower waist and found rock hard lumps).

Unknowingly, I had all the key signs/symptoms of OC (but no doctor or OBGYN noticed): I still had my regular period/menses at age 57. I had started my menses very young (9/10 years old); had never had children or used chemical birth control; and had suddenly become quite overweight in the past 2 years (despite a VERY healthy diet; albeit too ill to do much exercise beyond necessities of daily living). These are ALL the common denominators of OC! However, most women with OC never experience such serious symptoms of "sickness", thus OC is called "The Silent Killer" prevalent among middle aged women!

THE GOOD NEWS: Within months of surgery (removal of all female organs, plus some) all my body hair started growing back, as are my nails! All my skin marks/scars are going from dark purple/black to light pink, & still fading! My skin is moist, not flaking. I am no longer "freezing to death" in Florida; my BP is back to normal; all my joints/muscles no longer ache 24/7; night sweats are much less troubling; and many other notable improvements (unfortunately hot flashes are still here, but no near as bad).

***So, regardless of estrogen levels/tests, please utilize OBGYN orWomens Center specialists if possible; or plead with your PCP to check you out extra well for hidden female/ovarian problems (of any kind/cause).

Good Luck & Best wishes!