Aspirin for Swine Flu

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Bruce (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) on 02/10/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Ted, Thanks for the tip on using aspirin to fight H1N1. I have tried it and it works, and I have not used aspirin or any other drug in years.
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Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/04/2009
5 out of 5 stars

The truth is the popularity in aspirin was the very fact that 1918 Spanish flu viruse STOPPED the epidemic. It didn't just stopped by itself. I learned this only AFTER I have found that independently that aspirin did kill the bird flu, swine flu and dengue fever. I have as yet looking over the possibility of use in Hanta viruses, but that I don't know. What the aspirin does is it just digest the viruses when I look over a very high powered electron microscope during my student days even in very weak solutions. May I also remind you that I have seen (I can't say I cured for legal reason) that I have this person with a two year Chlamydia, which resists ALL KINDS of antibiotics (you name it, azithromycin, terramycine, amoxcillin, etc) and I finally gave up and aspirin was tried. The dose was 500 mg of aspirin, taken hourly for four tablets, each tablets is DISSOLVED in a cup of warm water. It was completely gone. The uniqueness of the aspirin is the salicyclic acid portion that dissolves any bacteria and many viruses sight. The chlamydia NEVER came back! Imagine a man with chlamydia eating up his testicles and you can imagine the pain he's suffering with the Chlamydia.

People who goes to talk shows are likely have vested financial interests, I DON'T go to any talk shows and rather tell the truth under the radar or scrutiny of the pharma industry and I think this is the best approach for me. For the unbelievers, I have plenty of people here who can vouch that the aspirin did work and it's synergistic with the vitamin C. It wasn't easy finding the cure, but once it's found I hope people will find some benefit, especially the fact that vaccinations are dangerous with highly dangerous bacteria and viruses, and they are live bacteria and viruses. Hence, to neutralize these, I only expect at least just taking ASPIRIN (or lysine) hourly for only 4 times in one day. It's the bare minimum so that the vaccination should it be mandatory there is A WAY AROUND this problem. The use of digestive enzyme works too, but it is not nearly as dramatic as lysine or aspirin. Perhaps I have to look into this further with dose/frequency issue.

Thank you for your support!


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Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 11/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

i think aspirin is somewhat of a miracle cure for a lot of things! i remember when i would young and was starting to come down with something - she would give me aspirin at bedtime and the next day i would be fine.


aspirin is (or at least used to me) made from white willow bark and maybe this is why it helps???

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Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Many people here were cured of pneumonia using aspirin when other supplements and medicines are not available. Lysine works, but is not available. I don't use niacin, it causes liver damage especially from time release niacin. The facts you mentioned are contradictory.

The B3 I used here is niacinamide.

My sister is alive today because of aspirin. She had a severe pneumonia and the doctors already given up on her and was ready to call the morgue. My father slipped in aspirin. It saved her life. She was only 2 or 3 years old at the time. I was cured of measles and it was a one day cure with that aspirin. Imagine small pox!

Yes some people are allergic to aspirin, but not everyone. When a person is dying of fever at 104, they may die, just from the fever itself, when no other medications were working at all. And I have tried tamiflu, it simply doesn't work in advanced swine flu cases.

Perhaps you have better cures, I would be happy to hear, especially when a person is living in an isolated rural area with a temperature of 103-104 F.

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Garion (Forest Hills, Ny) on 11/04/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Aspirin: Swine Flu/Flu

I'd give Aspirin a yea for Swine Flu/Flu. Altho, I never got tested, so it could've been a really bad cold, flu or swine flu.

40 yr old dude here. I started feeling bad on Thursday. The next day I was extremely tired, congested head, sore throat. I could barely get out of bed. Not much of an appetite. I tried D3, Zinc Lozenges, Jean's Tomato Tea, Gargled with Cayenne water, Hydrogen in ears... nothing seemed to work. (I didn't overdo these solutions, I did them once or twice a day depending on the remedy).

By Day 3, Saturday I was still out of it. I had muscle aches (and a congested ear) but honestly I've had worse body aches from previous flus so I still wasn't certain what I had. It was Day 4, when I got a fever of 100.2 that I suspected I had the flu vs. a cold. (I also read that nowadays all flus are pretty much the swine flu. I think it's really spreading fast.) That's when I tried the Aspirin cure. I did it again the next day because the fever came back in 24 hrs time. By Day 6 I felt better. No fever. But still congested head. More energy tho. And Day 7, I definitely feel stronger. Still a little congested but stronger. Able to get things done, concentrate.

Now I didn't start to take Aspirin until Day 4/5, so one could say my flu/cold ran its course and of course by Day 7 I would feel better. But that Fever was making me feel miserable so I said what do I have to lose. Plus I read that one doesn't usually have fevers during colds and I found it weird I got a fever AFTER having symptoms for 3 days. I would try the Aspirin cure again.

here's what I took:
Day 4: I took 1 325mg Aspirin, crushed in half cup of water, every hour... for 3 hrs.

Day 5: I took 1 325mg Aspirin, crushed in half cup of water, every hour... for 4 hrs.

I love this site by the way.

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Bleu (Russell Springs, Usa) on 10/15/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have had, what I believe to be the swine flu. There was just ton's of fluid running down my throat, my ears were congested, and then my lungs were filling up. Taking a lot of vitamin c, I would have a good day and then a bad day.


Allergy medicine didn't help. Although the drainage was like allergies. I couldn't sleep at night because there was so much drainage; I would have to cough to clear my throat and then wake up.

In misery and desperation I tried the aspirin and it helped. I used a brand of powered aspirin here and made a concoction with powered vitamin c.

The really weird thing is this. I had preeclampsia with both of my pregnancies. The reaction I had with this flu was exactly like my preeclampsia. And aspirin is used with preeclampsia.

My theory is that what ever immune or other physical reaction that women have with pre-eclampsia; this swine flu is the same type of reaction.

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Daryl (North, Louisiana) on 10/09/2009
5 out of 5 stars

My 19 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Flu Wednesday Oct 7th having 104 fever and typical symptoms. Her college roommate is recovering from Swine Flu which she had for a couple weeks. Daughter came home after doctor visit was prescribed Tamiflu which she took dosage as instructed. Once I came home Wednesday evening I researched Earth Clinic and read Ted's aspirin remedy.


I dissolved 500 mg aspirin in water and gave her one Vitamin C tablet with instructions to do the same every hour until she fell asleep. She slept well and yesterday all symptoms were dramatically improved and had no fever. She took aspirin/vitamin C remedy a couple times today and went back to school AFTER ONLY TWO DAYS !!!!

Regardless of naysayers, if you or someone you love (over 12 yrs old) has the FLU by all means try this remedy! I am totally convinced and feel grateful to have this knowledge in case my wife or I come down with symptoms.

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Ilvia (Garland, Tx, Usa) on 10/06/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Hello everyone,

My eight year old came down with cough, fever (103), body aches. Gave her aspirin yesterday starting with 325 mg at Noon followed by 1/2 gram of vitamin C (in juice hourly). Fever responded (99.4). Half an aspirin every two hrs (-/ 170 mg). Backed off on vitamin C at 8 due to gastro upset (which I was shooting for, she hadn't had a BM for two days). She had a small BM before dinner. But, threw up dinner-she was hungry, but tummy wasn't ready.

Last aspirin at bedtime with cough medicine. Slept fine.

This morning freaked out about the aspirin due to Reyes Syndrome. So Aspirin until noon wanted monitor for new symptoms. She was hot this morning with bloodshot eye. Gave prune/apple juice because gastro upset continued with flatuence but no BM. She had a sizable BM an hour or so later. She ate, singing.

Sorry so long, but despite my Reyes Syndrome freak out, the aspirin seems to be effective. Make sure to make them drink (at the top of the hr I give water and juice) so as to flush the system and keep the bowels open.

Hope this helpful.

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Arturo (San Jose, Ca) on 10/02/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Update: 100% cured from the swine flu. I can't prove it, but my wife and I had all the symptoms of the swine flu and now it's gone. The aspirin works in my book.

I know a person that got the flu a week before I did and she didn't do the aspirin treatment and now she has developed pneomonia for the second time in two weeks. She has been under a doctors care from the beginning.

Thanks Ted.

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Arturo (San Jose, Ca) on 09/24/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Better, but not cured. My sinuses started draining on Sunday by Monday I felt like I was coming down with something. I did the aspirin remedy on Monday afternoon and felt better the next day. I started feeling crappy again on Wednesday and did the Aspirin remedy again. I felt good for another couple of days, but then it came back again. I did the aspirin remedy a third time, but I felt like the virus moved down to my chest. I was wheezing and coughing up gunk and it scared me so I started taking penicilin that I had picked up in Mexico. I took 1000 mg every four hours and am finally feeling better as of today (10 days into this virus)


My wife had the same symptoms I did and she took the aspirin remedy and it worked well for her. She took the aspirin remedy as soon as she felt the first symptoms and only took it one day.

I think the key to this remedy is starting it as soon as you get the first sign of a cold. I've learned a lot from this board. Thanks


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