Trimethylglycine for Home Remedies For Gum Disease

5 star (2) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Dan (Los Angeles) on 10/24/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Yes, Betaine Anhydrous, aka TMG, works. I have been going through gum pain for past 2 years and I couldn't figure out the issue and I spent lots of money. Recently I bought raw betaine anhydrous powder and I drink it with my pre-workout powder. Not only I get good pump but my gum ache is almost gone, this is miracle. Give it a try, all you gonna losse is 10$

Fiona (Tustin,ca) on 11/10/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Trimethylglycine (tmg) 6 gram healed gums and whitened teeth overnight.