Salt for Home Remedies For Gum Disease

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Lynn (Maryland) on 06/29/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Brushing teeth with salt helps tremendously with some bleeding gum issues.
REPLY   3      

Mysticgardener (Plain City, Ohio) on 05/14/2011
5 out of 5 stars

A few years back I had a terrible problem with gum disease and had to have 3 teeth pulled. After that I had to go back for four sessions of root planing. (cleaning around the root and under the gumline). After I had the first two sessions done, I heard a retired dentist online say that the best thing for your dental health is salt! He also said he would never have dared say this while still practicing!

So I started brushing with sea salt and when I went back for the third session, the hygienist was just barely scraping, doing more talking than anything. She started to talk about how much my mouth had improved and that she had never seen anything like it! THEN she said I would NOT HAVE TO COME BACK for the fourth session!

Six months passed and I went back for a routine cleaning. AGAIN, she exclaimed about how much my dental health had improved since the first time she had seen me. I still didn't tell her what I was doing. I just said I was brushing longer like she had told me to do.

Six months after that I went back and had the same results. At that point, I told her my secret! She truly acted like she had never heard of it. This retired dentist I listened to online said salt kills the bacteria that causes gum disease. I now use an herbal toothpaste with no fluoride, and from time to time I will run my tongue around my teeth, and if I feel any plaque on the teeth, I will brush them with salt and it comes right off.

I now brush with salt about once a week, just for good maintenance. I believe this will save the rest of my teeth and thousands of dollars! My teeth have also gradually gotten whiter, and I no longer worry about bad breath. At first I worried the salt might take off the enamel but this has obviously not happened! I was so grateful to learn of this because my dentist told me they could not guarantee I would not lose the rest of my teeth, even with the root planing. That was the 3rd time I had root planing done and it is very expensive, and it obviously wasn't fixing the problem since I had to keep having it done every 7 or 8 years!

They tried to insinuate that I had gum disease because I was not brushing and flossing on a regular basis which was absolutely not true! I was extremely vigilant about both and had been my whole life! Let's continue to get the truth out there folks and keep our money where it belongs!