Resveratrol for Home Remedies For Gum Disease

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Gaiamuse (Massachusetts) on 07/03/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Resveratrol for Periodontitis and Gum Disease

Resveratrol! Either as Japanese Knotweed Powder (Polyganum) or Red Wine Extract. I am somewhat amazed by how miraculously well and quickly (in my case) this worked. Within days of using japanese knotweed extract, my teeth began to tighten up. (I had mostly 4's but a couple of 7 pocket depths in the front teeth.) And my dentist appt confirmed that my teeth were tighter. I had this suspicion that my gum disease was due in at least in part to constricted blood vessels. I had been a smoker for many years and only quit 2 years ago, but also felt that as I got older (I'm in my '60's) my circulation was not great. I had been working with massaging my gums in the morning when my teeth seemed looser -- and that would help. But once I took extract of Japanese Knotwood it happened pretty quickly. Turns out it's a vasodilator -- so in my case part of the problem would be reduced blood flow.

Hard for me to recommend a dosage because I'm hypersensitive and don't need much -- but I suspect using what's shown on the bottle in whatever form you use as a daily supplemental dose would be enough to see if you find a difference. (As a secondary benefit -- this also seems to have improved blood flow to my brain...I had felt the same way -- like the blood flow was constricted and I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my brain -- and this helped to clear some cobwebs.)