Oregano Oil for Home Remedies For Gum Disease

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Teresa Hartsfield (Kenedy, Texas) on 07/22/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have periodontal disease and have found that brushing with oregano oil has really improved my gums and to stop tooth pain. I have stopped using toothpaste, now if I use it, I find it doesn't clean my teeth as well as the oil does and my mouth still feels "dirty". The taste does get some time to get used too. I started out by using only one drop, but now use 3 drops on my toothbrush. I bought a good quality oil, not the alcohol tincture. I first discovered brushing with oils when I researched the net and found a product that was quite expensive, I liked it, but didn't like the cost. I tried brushing with tea tree oil but found that to be very offensive, reminded me of brushing with pine sol. The oregano is quite strong, so try not to get it on the back of the throat, I'm so used to it now that I love brushing my teeth with it, then I rinse with an alcohol free mouthwash and that takes care of the oregano smell, my breath and mouth feel clean for hours, even through out the night, in the morning I awake with a clean feeling mouth.
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Tabby (San Francisco, California) on 03/22/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have been battling a gum infection for 2 months. After three courses of antibiotics, I gave up and tried Vitamin C 3000mg. This began to improve my gums, however, the infection persisted. My gums have been aching, sore, dark red, and inflammed.

I decided to try Oil of Oregano. I purchased a brand that was 60% diluted in extra virgin olive oil. Immediately, with a clean finger, I rubbed one drop of it over my gums, and another drop on the other side. Immediately the ache subsided. After 8 hours, my gums felt much improved. There is a slight tingly warm feeling upon initially applying which is normal for Oregano Oil. Before bedtime, I repeated this again, along with placing one drop beneath my tongue, holding it in place and washing it down with water.

I woke up with my mouth feeling more nomal than it has in weeks. Another additional benefit, it cleared my sinuses! They have been blocked.

Caution: Do not use Oil of Oregano undiluted. It is caustic and it WILL burn. That is why dilution in extra virgin olive oil is important.

I'm sharing this remedy in hopes it will help someone else stop suffering today!

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Tabby (San Francisco, California) on 03/22/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have been battling a gum infection for 2 months. After three courses of antibiotics, I gave up and tried Vitamin C 3000mg. This began to improve my gums, however, the infection persisted. My gums have been aching, sore, dark red, and inflammed.

I decided to try Oil of Oregano. I purchased a brand that was 60% diluted in extra virgin olive oil. Immediately, with a clean finger, I rubbed one drop of it over my gums, and another drop on the other side. Immediately the ache subsided. After 8 hours, my gums felt much improved. There is a slight tingly warm feeling upon initially applying which is normal for Oregano Oil. Before bedtime, I repeated this again, along with placing one drop beneath my tongue, holding it in place and washing it down with water.

I woke up with my mouth feeling more nomal than it has in weeks. Another additional benefit, it cleared my sinuses! They have been blocked.

Caution: Do not use Oil of Oregano undiluted. It is caustic and it WILL burn. That is why dilution in extra virgin olive oil is important.

I'm sharing this remedy in hopes it will help someone else stop suffering today!