Bee Propolis for Home Remedies For Gum Disease

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Sarah (Marietta) on 05/17/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I used to get inflamed gums from gum disease and found that 1 capsule a day of bee propolis stopped it. It's also a great for flu prevention. If I feel sick I take 2 capsules a day along with echinacea and goldenseal and it works every time. I never get sick. 
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Smcgoff (San Antonio, Texas, United States) on 05/20/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I stumbled on this site at first after I noticed a purple area on under my front teeth bottom row of gums. My teeth had been hurting to the point I thought it was an ear ache and it just really sucked. Noticed a hole beggining in both left and right side molar region on 2 teeth. Searched through here looking for remedys and I cant lie I thought this stuff was a joke just straight bull shit. Since I didnt have dental though I decided to give it a shot and see whats up.

I started mouth washing with hydrogen peroxide and upped it to Bee propolis the paste rubbing it on my gums at night before bed. Ive been doing the hydrogen now for about 4 days and the B for about 3. I also began oil pulling with coconut oil yesterday.

My dark purple spot is no longer purple. It has became a healthy shade of pink, not all the way pink still a lil dark but from a dark purple to a allmost 1 shade away from being perfect pink. My teeth are still bothering me but only when I get something near the hole other then that I am cool. The benefits to my mouth are tremendous and I also no longer experience bad breath. To top that off, I am in the midst of losing weight, I currently weigh 340 and have not jogged since maybe march or february. I have begun jogging and walking again and noticed that I was about to jog a half mile with no problem (minus my ankles I believe new shoes are in order as well as proper stretching as ive fractured both in my younger days). I havent jogged a half mile since I was 240 and going into the military.

One more thing to mention, I woke up yesterday with a big fat red pimple corner of my mouth, applied the B propolis to it in the morning it shrank by afternoon barely visible, applied some more later that evening, and it is gone as of this time. Less than 24 hours for it to go.

Definately some beneficial things here that I am going to continue to read and look at. To all those who are skeptical of things like this I encourage you to try it because it is doing something.

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Anna (London, England) on 01/23/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I bought bee propolis tincture at 10% concentration, (made in switzerland), that's what I found at my health food store. Before bed I now do the following: I pour a few drops of the tincture into the lid. I dip the special toothpick that my dental hygenist recommended into the tincture as I clean my teeth. Then I dip a q-tip in the propolis in the lid and paint my gums. When I wake up in the morning, my gums are completely pink!! They are pinkish during the day. Before I started, they were bright red.

I am also oil pulling. I can feel the difference on my teeth. They constantly feel like I've just had them cleaned, instead of feeling furry like they usually do.

In a few months I'll go back to the dentist and see if I still have periodontal pockets. In the meantime, the results seem positive.

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Vicki (Tallahassee, Fl) on 01/01/2010
5 out of 5 stars

After 8 months of using bee propolis for my periodontal issues I am happy to report that it is working -- very well! When I first posted back in March 2009, my dentist had referred me to a periodontist for treatment. I chose to try other avenues before spending a fortune for gum treatments and was able to purchase bee propolis through my local health co-op. I've been using one dropper-full of 30% bee propolis every night at bed time, however, over time I found that skipping a night or two from time to time is actually beneficial. Anyway, I swish the propolis through my teeth and gums for several mintues and then swallow. I had a dental check-up in November 2009 and my hygentist asked if I had gone to the periodontist -- I told her no. She then asked what I had been doing because my receding gums were no longer receding (having actually grown back!!) and my gums were healthy and pink! I told her about this site and about the propolis and she got very excited! She then called the dentist in to look at my progress and even HE was excited about the propolis (and requested the website address as well) and told me to keep doing what I'm doing. Now, I am a smoker -- not heavy, about a half pack a day -- but, of course the smoking adds to the gum issues. In spite of my continued tobacco use, my gums still improved dramatically. While I was told that this would probably not do anything for the bone loss associcated with periodontal disease, I haven't had any x-rays to verify this. I continue, however, to seek out bone loss remedies.
REPLY   11      

Tammie (Prairieville, Louisiana) on 03/31/2007
5 out of 5 stars

My gums had started receding so bad that I could see a space between my two front teeth at the gum line, then I read that bee propolis can actually help the gum tissue to grow back, and it really works. No more space between my teeth.

Bee propolis also reduces fever, helps sore throat, canker sores, fever blisters and heals stomach ulcers and just about anything else you use it on.