Avoid Fluoride In Water And Toothpaste for Home Remedies For Gum Disease

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 05/27/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I've had gum disease for about 20 years even though my dental hygene is good. Nothing helped. All of my molars are now loose.

Anyway, for years the gums around several of these now loose teeth became inflamed and it felt as if my teeth were rotting from the inside out. I also had constant pain and swelling in my neck glands and ear pain on the inflamed side.

Several months ago I became aware of fluoride being a poison and ceased drinking fluroidated water and my tooth paste is now baking soda and water or peroxide.

All the pain and inflamation as went away. There have been two times I was out of baking soda and brushed my teeth with regular tooth paste and within several hours all the old symptions returned.